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Forum Page ID's

  • @alice-kaye


    Hi there!

    I’m trying to find some page ID’s and I’m not sure how to go about doing it with bbPress or BuddyPress as the way these mods work, they’re unusual. The reason I’m looking for this, is to modify the background per specific page. I’m running a guild with two different games and modifying the backgrounds per game categories individually.

    So I’m trying to get the Group page ID’s and Forum Page ID’s. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this, or if it’s even possible at all?

    Example Forum: <- It’s certain to have some sort of ID, right?

    Thanks for any help you can provide! It’s very appreciated. 🙂

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  • @robin-w


    presuming you’ll be using css to do this, just inspect the pages using developer tools and you’ll see the created class.

    for instance your general banter forum has a class of

    ‘forum bbpress single single-forum postid-28’

    Developer tools





    Hi @robin-w,

    I just realized that you responded to this. I’m not sure how I missed this!

    I just tried to give this a go (man sometimes this stuff isn’t easy to find) and it’s so far not doing what I want. I’ll admit CSS is not always my friend.

    The code I’m using is below:

    .forum bbpress single single-forum postid-20 #fixed-background { background: url(''); }

    I was hoping that would be how I needed to set it up, but I’m starting to think, not…

    Could you take a look at that and let me know where I might have gone wrong? Let me know if you need access to my site to see my bbPress, I have a test account set up for situations such as this! 😛

    Thanks in advance!



    I’ll admit CSS is not always my friend

    Whilst really useful I hate this as well.

    Where are you putting that code?



    Yeah, it’s just very difficult to get it to work the way I want sometimes.

    Anyhoo, I put it in my themes custom css box. Though now in hindsight that seems foolish. I suppose what I really need to do is make a copy of the bbpress stylesheet and then update that with this code and upload it to the bbpress folder inside of my child theme/bbpress.

    Am I on the right track? Sorry for any typos. Writing this on my cellphone.



    There is no need to copy the bbpress.css file.

    you just need to put it in your child theme’s style.css, BUT add the ‘!important ‘ which stops bbpress overwriting it.

    .forum bbpress single single-forum postid-20 #fixed-background { background: url('') !important; }

    You may find you don’t need all the string above ie ‘.forum bbpress single single-forum postid-20 #fixed-background ‘ but have a play if the full doesn’t work, or come back with a url/link and I’ll try to help




    i know that finding the id in the page source is a little easier since your using CSS.

    but i also like to point out that you can use this plugn for finding the ID in the backend of WordPress for the forums/topics/replies sections to show the post types ID.

    its pretty useful.

    as for the CSS you could be missing a few periods.

    .bbpress .single-forum .postid-20 #fixed-background { background: url('') !important; }



    Thanks rob as usual for the better css code !



    Hi @robin-w & @robkk,

    I tried to reply the other day but every time I hit submit, everything would disappear and it wouldn’t post my reply. Oi.

    So firstly I wanted to say thank you to both of you for all of the help and support with everything. You guys got me on the right track which was GREAT!

    The code that ended up working for me was:

    .postid-37 #fixed-background { background: url('') !important; }

    I was hoping that by changing the page ID background for each forum, that the subsequent posts would also have that background, but it didn’t pan out. I’m curious if this is possible in some way? It’s tough to imagine via CSS simply because the pages generate when created, so it would have to be based on a forum ID (in my head), rather than a simple postID.

    Do you guys have any thoughts on this at all?

    Again, thanks for the help and sorry I couldn’t reply sooner. It just wouldn’t let me! 🙁



    ok, so can you tell us what you want in simple English – stick away from css and jargon 🙂


    I want the xx forum to have this background and the yy forum to have that background, and all sub forums and topics to also have this

    or whatever you want !



    Haha, that certainly would make things easier on everyone (myself included). The biggest issue here is that, without an account you cannot see the forums due to the way my site’s permission system is set up. So if you need to see code, let me know and I’ll give you the test account login information. 🙂

    Forum Setup:

    Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV Background)
    – General Discussion
    – The Forge
    – The Golden Quill
    – Journals
    – Ultima EX
    All of the sub forums currently have the FFXIV handcoded into the CSS section so their backgrounds are also FFXIV. However, whenever a post is made in any of these forums, my base site background is the one showing. If possible, it would be great if any forum posts made in any of these specific forums had the correct corresponding background.

    The same goes with my Guild Wars 2 section which has a Guild Wars 2-based background.

    The thing is, I’m not sure if this is at all possible.

    Hoping that I’ve explained that well. 🙂



    ok, no promises on timing, I’m very stretched at the moment, but send a link via my website



    Thanks so much Robin, I sent an email your way. 🙂

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