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Forum issues. Wishlist protection?

  • @paperprofit


    I have a forum that I wanted to protect for my members only. I have Wishlist-member installed and activated, but bbpress topics and replies seem erratic when I try the protection. So I removed all protections to make sure that the issue is not with bbPress or even my Theme (Tesseract).

    What I found out is that even with my protections all off, bbPress is not diplaying my Topic, only the replies to them. I have 3 topics. Is there a way you could help? Here are the topics:

    Market Commentary

    Theta Gain / Losses

    PCCRC to Genie

    Incidentally, when I am logged in as admin, I do see the original posts (topic).

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  • @robin-w


    could be lots of things, but try

    bbpress wp4 fix


    bbpress wp4 fix2



    It seemed for a moment that the problem was fixed. I now see the original “topic” entry, but when I added few replies, I cannot see them, unless I log in as admin.

    I had installed the bbpress style pack, and deactivated it to see if that fixed the problem. It did not.



    Now it is getting worse. I just created a new Topic, and I cannot see it with a non admin log in.



    given that wishlist is a paid plugin, suggest you contact them for support



    But the forums are not being protected by Wishlist!



    Presuming that it was working before you had wishlist, then you were protecting at some stage, and I suspect that it is possible that has not been unset by you switching it off.



    Ironcally, it is the newly created Topics and Replies that are not showing up. I will try reinstalling BBPress, and continue to leave Wishlist out of the equation. I will report back.
    Is it not possible that the problem has to do with my Theme?
    Thanks for your patients, Robin.



    theme related issues tend (but not always) to be fixed by the fixes suggested above – did you try these?

    if so, try as a test to switch to a default theme such as twentysixteen



    Thank you for that suggestion. I will try that.
    I do have another site created in Tesseract that have no Wishlist member or bbpress at this time. I will create a BBpress forum there and see what I get. Your suggestions are much appreciated.

    I have contacted Wishlist as well, in case they know of any issues.



    My problem was solved. I am not exactly sure how. This morning I started by setting up the protection (Wishlist) for each Forum, Topic and reply. I carefully selected the protection buttons and groups for each topic and reply and saved each page.

    I reinstalled the bbPress WP4 fix and bbPress WP4 fix 2 as suggested and then everything worked as if I never had had the issue before.

    I was sure that those fixes were installed and activated before. Whether I installed them properly or not (before) I am not sure, but I have all the plugins I had initially installed, yet the issue is gone.

    So thank you to Robin.



    Great – glad you are fixed at last !



    Same issue over here, both fixes did the trick for me also. But I would rather like to see the fixes build in the Buddypress plugin.

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