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Flexible designing with bbPress

  • @matveb


    I just wanted to share the experience I have gathered while working, designing and pushing bbPress so as to not look like a generic bbPress instance. My latest work are these forums (the rest of the site is WordPress), and if you have the time please consider registering to be able to play a bit with the design from a member-perspective (enjoyed better in Safari). I would appreciate your feedback.

    I am really captivated by the possibilities bbPress offers; but I also feel the obscurity of these possibilities are somehow hindering proper development in the design department. The lack of a proper and exhaustive codex, readable for theme authors —without having to dig into core files—, remains as the biggest obstacle. I am all for contributing, should it be possible, in this way or another.

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  • @ipstenu


    That’s a really sweet design!



    Thanks for the compliment!

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