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File bbpress.pot incomplete in 2.4.1 version

  • @freewpress


    Hi, i have two title pages with no translation:
    forums/view/most-replies/ it show title page –> Topics with most replies
    forums/view/latest-topics/ it show title page –> Latest topics

    I nedd to translate but this two elements do not exist in original file bbpress.pot

    Can you see if bbpress.pot contain this two elements or is true wich do not exist?


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  • @netweb


    bbPress only includes two views ‘out of the box’ and they are both translatable.

    Most popular topics
    Topics with no replies

    Check if you have these in a custom function or another plugin.



    Thanks for your reply, i have this other two view page and i don’t know where it from!!

    bbpress do not have it? I think other plugin so!!

    I investigate for this issue!!



    Look at this: Google link

    Hi have exactly this… where i found this? Links are stored in (bbPress) Topic Views List widget!!



    Again, you can extend bbPress with custom views.

    One of the sites in that link list has 4 views:

    Most popular topics
    Topics with no replies
    Topics with most replies
    Latest topics

    That doesn’t mean they are part of bbPress, check your themes functions.php file for something like this:

    function wphc_register_custom_views() {
    	bbp_register_view( 'popular-topics', __( 'Popular Topics' ), array( 'meta_key' => '_bbp_reply_count', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num' ), false );
    	bbp_register_view( 'unpopular-topics', __( 'Unpopular Topics' ), array( 'meta_key' => '_bbp_reply_count', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'order' => 'asc' ), false );
    	bbp_register_view( 'random-topic', __( 'Random Topic' ), array( 'orderby' => 'rand' ), false );
    	bbp_register_view( 'closed', __( 'Recently Closed' ), array( 'post_status' => 'closed' ), false );
    add_action( 'bbp_register_views', 'wphc_register_custom_views' );



    I have found the plugin wich add these two pages.. is gd bbpress tools… i translate it with your file pot.. But these two pages have problems with seo, because it generate same title page for all present pages… Incredible!!

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