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Fetch Topics of Particular Forum

  • @yarashicr


    I am very new to BBPress deployment. One of my client wants me to fetch Topics or discussions of a particular forum or all forums with in a category and display it on the homepage. The only way I can add it on the home page of my site in the current wordpress theme I use is through a custom widget (“text widget”). Can any one help me with the php code to do the same. Also help me on what I need to do inorder to fetch all topics under a particular category, irrespective of the forums to which they belong.

    Is there a plugin to do the same or an external widget which I need to install in the form of a plugin.?

    If I am not wrong, I assume that the following is the structure of a BBpress forum.
    Category >> Forum (Sub Category) >> Topics (Discussion)
    Eg: Software >> Apple >> A simple topic or discussion on iPhone.

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  • @yarashicr


    I would also like to limit the topics under a particular category being shown to 5 or less than 5. Do help me on this as well. Thanks in advance.



    try my plugin

    bbp additional shortcodes

    I think it will fit what you request



    Thanks a lot Robin. I tried the shortcodes as mentioned in the above page after installing and activating the plugin. It did not work for me. I used putting respective forum ID as well. Can you kindly help me on this. I am stuck fixing this for a long time now.



    And I also want to know whether these shortcodes work on a wordpress widget.



    It did not work for me.

    Please describe what you mean by this and exactly what you put into the page?



    It worked Robin. The problem was with the stylish single quotes in the shortcode on the link, I copied it as it is in the site. I changed it to normal single quotes and it started working. Thank you so much for your help and for such an awesome plugin.



    no problem, and thanks for letting us know the solution – I’ll remember it for future and look to change the website

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