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Example of bb-config.php File Wanted

  • @sherrynes



    I’m semi-new to (though not totally new) to PHP and I don’t always know how things should fit together. I’ve been trying to follow the instructions here:

    But I’m not exactly sure where to put the code that is suggested. I know white space matters in php and probably where in the files you place the particular code.

    I was wondering if I could see an example of a bb-config.php file that had all of this done correctly so I would know where to put things so they would work.

    Thank you very much!


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  • @chrishajer


    I don’t think those integration instructions apply any more. For example, there is no plugin necessary any longer.

    Did you try just installing and see how it goes? Install WordPress first, then bbPress. Use WordPress 2.5.1 and bbPress and integration will be no problem.

    Once you get basic integration going, you can work on getting bbPress to look like WordPress if that is important to you.



    I’ve already got the database and cookies working correctly and all of that. I was talking about getting the look of it, etc. Those instructions referr to adding code to your bb-config.php file to do the include of the header from your WordPress installation, etc.

    If I linked to the wrong instructions, oops. I’ve read and read many posts on integrating the look and they say to add things to your bb-config file, etc. But I don’t know WHERE.

    So I’d like to see a completed, working bb-config.php file for someone who was able to do that successfully so that you can include the php get header in bbpress. If that makes sense.





    This does not answer your question (sorry, I don’t have integration on that level) but there was a discussion of this recently:

    While it’s easy to do it like this, by including the WordPress in your bbPress config, it’s not really recommended. It’s quick to do but a lot of overhead as explained by Sam Bauers (one of the developers.)

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