why do you need a plugin ?

when you reply to this comment look at the toolbar there is an image upload by url (img) button.
if you want images to be uploaded to your server
add this function to your functions php (if you have a child theme already set)
add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'bavotasan_bbpress_upload_media' );
* Allow upload media in bbPress
* This function is attached to the 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args' filter hook.
function bavotasan_bbpress_upload_media( $args ) {
$args['media_buttons'] = true;
return $args;
but function only allows admins, moderators , and authors to upload images to your server.
you would then need to change some user role capabilities so that if you want subscribers to upload images to your server
Thanks for the info. I need to build this forum and then I can play with the extra capabilities
And then you also need to make it so that every user has a private album instead of all members seeing all media.
I have been trying this for a while and have issues making it true inline images.
Now I use the attachment plugin together with bp-album, bp-album allows members to create private albums for media, and it will post those images to the activity pages.
Here is a link to the forum I am building right now.
Inline images for activity
This comes closest to what you need, I have also tried RTMedia plugin but that causes much problems and makes sites run slow, not too mention the errors from the W3C validator.
I do hope that BBPress will add a good image uploader soon.