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Error for tags.php

  • @richardjeanderson


    I’ve just installed bbforum to test and play around with, but have hit a niggling problem – I hope people can help.

    In the breadcrumb navigation for tags, urls of this forum work:

    but if I click onto the “Tags” link in the breadcrumb navigation (i.e. I open, the page does not load, and in Firefox I get the message

    The page isn’t redirecting properly

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    * This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

    Has anyone else experienced this problem? I’m using the latest version of bbforum, no permalinks.

    Thanks for any help you can give.

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  • @trent


    I just noticed this happens for me as well, if no one has a good explanation, I can add a ticket for TRAC.




    richard can you give some more info on the installation..

    may be the config info, permalink/rewrite status



    We have tried this on a bunch of different installs and it seems to be working. I jumped the gun earlier when I said my doesn’t work because I was having other issues with my forum when I tried it. It is working fine for me now.




    Thanks for any help:

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    $bb->akismet_key = false;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘l2go_’;

    .htaccess is empty. I had previosuly attempted to turn permalinks on, without success. I don’t know if the problem existed before then or not.

    Any ideas? The forum is working well apart from this problem. Tags.php works fine as long as there is a ?tag=something; without that I get the error above.



    double check the $bb->domain and $bb->path variables..

    make sure you have the latest code..

    disable any plugins you have… specially if they have a filter applied to bb_tags.php

    also do you have custom templates or have you modified templates..



    I’ve reuploaded bbpress – makes no difference.

    I’ve removed plugin (display_name.php)

    I temporarily renamed my_templates folder to return back to default template.

    The forum now sits at

    Click any of the tags and it takes you to the correct page. Click on the breadcrumb to take you back to tags.php and it dies as described.

    All very strange . . . .



    OK, I’ve solved the problem!

    The version of PHP on my server is 4.4.4, which should be compatible with bbpress. I recalled that in my moodle installation, we hit issues that could be resolved by adding a .htaccess file with the following line:

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    i.e. asking for php to be interpreted as php 5? (I’m not a php person – is that correct?).

    Creating a .htaccess file with this line in it and dropping it into my bbpress folder solves the tag.php problem . . . .



    @richardjeananders: this addition to the .htaccess absolutely fixed this exact problem for me. I was seeing the same error in Firefox when I clicked on the Tag link in the breadcrumb navigation. PHP scripts were being interpreted by PHP 4.4.4 on the server until I created an .htaccess file with this one line. Now, PHP scripts are being interpreted by PHP 5.1.6. I can’t believe that fixed it. Thank you very much.


    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php




    wow yes thank you I was having the same problem off of a fresh install. “browse tags” wouldn’t work.

    Added to .htaccess:

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    Thank You!




    I do have a question though, is this a safe fix? what does this do?


    discussion forums of life



    I know this is old. Yes it’s safe, this just forces the server to execute PHP scripts as PHP5 instead of PHP4 when the file extension is PHP.

    If you have PHP5 installed on the server, this works fine and is safe.



    Thank you, yes I’ve been running it as php5 for awhile now and have not had any problems. Case closed.



    Can anyone please help me debug this problem on PHP4?




    I put the debug on and it still just gives the firefox redirect problem. I even tried the .htaccess fix….




    So10 has fixed it:




    Thank you so1o…

    Hi – I’m having the same problem with /tags/ when I use permalinks or slugs. I’m running latest bbPress with the trac fix, and the the htaccess hack didn’t work either (it spewed content of tags.php as raw text)

    Any ideas?

    Bumpage, sorry…anyone? Bueller?



    Arlo, do you have a link to see this in action? Also, can you describe the problem you are having, exactly?



    This is the url:

    I’m having the problem described in this thread: the /tags/ page goes into an redirect loop, and doesn’t load if I have permalinks or slugs enabled. It works fine with permalinks off.



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