Like a “share this” or “email this” button that would be on a topic page?
Yeeees, exactly!!! with customizable text in email body
I can see there’s no plugin like that yet, however can anybody just hint as to what backpress functions I can use in order to hardcode this myself? I’m learning the php + bbpress stuff quite fast so I’d give it a whirl with a little help.
Think it may come useful for others as well.
Lester Chan has written a really good plugin along these lines for WordPress:
It’s GPL, so maybe it’s something that could be adapted for bbPress?
Oh, that’s a little too complex I don’t think I can get my head around this one lest it was stripped down to the core functionality. The best part of my PHP days is unfortunately numbered but I’ll try to look for something easier.
This would be a straightforward plugin to write.
Lester Chan’s plugin is over 100k which is insane for such a simple task.
Yeah, found the bb_mail function and will use a couple spam protection functions from WP-Mail to hardcode it for my site but won’t be able to make a plugin out of it