Edit topic reply, changes post order
Just to add to this thread as I’ve been experiencing the same sort of issues with edited replies appearing at the bottom of the thread and some other anomalies regarding posts being given strange “Reply to” post numbers (too inconsistent to reproduce).
All resolved for me by turning off the “Reply Threading” setting in Forums Settings. This also reactivated the paginating which hadn’t been working with this setting active.
Not running anything unusual although someone mentioned php version which I know not to be the latest on our server. Details below:
PHP Version: 5.2.5
Wordpress Version: 3.8.1
Active Theme: Twenty Fourteen 1.0bbPress 2.5.3 (active)
BuddyPress 1.9.2 (active)
Disqus Comment System 2.74 (active)
Fourteen Colors 1.0.1 (active)
Jetpack by WordPress.com 2.8 (active)
Unconfirmed 1.2.3 (active)
WP Approve User 2.3 (active)@dzpoa Are you using this with
threaded replies
enabled on your site?function custom_bbp_has_replies() { $args['orderby'] = 'ID'; $args['order'] = 'ASC'; return $args; } add_filter('bbp_before_has_replies_parse_args', 'custom_bbp_has_replies' );
@netweb No, i’m not using threaded replies. and “Forum root should show” is set to “Topics by Freshness”. It looks to me now that those settings fixed the issue, not the code π
So if I’m understanding correctly, the current work-arounds for this long-persisting bug are
Disable threaded replies in bbpress
Edit replies by going into the WP back-end, instead of editing via the convenient front-end interface
I’m baffled that this bug has persisted for so long.
We are also having the same issue with the replies. They are not in order. screencast.com/t/KjytGPXQ
Just confirmed that deactivating threaded replies via
Settings β Forums
fixes the issue.@johnjamesjacoby — ping me on Skype if you’d like access to a gimmicked site to putter around with, It’s on DreamHost so I can get you SSH and WP-CLI to tinker with.
I think I have the same issue here. Strange that the topics is not sorted by #ID ?
Topic 1 last 3 replies:
2014-04-01 kl. 21:17 #395
2014-04-02 kl. 18:40 #445
2014-04-01 kl. 22:31 #402Topic 2 last 3 replies:
2014-04-01 kl. 13:32 #389
2014-04-02 kl. 18:22 #443
2014-04-01 kl. 22:43 #404WordPress Versions eg. 3.8.1
bbPress Version eg. 2.5.3
Operating System eg. Linux (Debian)
Web Server eg. Apache
Theme eg. Techism
PHP Version eg. 5.3.28I can confirm that George Stephanis sollution to deactivating threaded replies in settings solved the problem.
I can confirm that I have the same issue as well. If the threaded replies is enabled, I have posts that display out of date order. If I turn off threaded replies, then they display in the correct order. Has the bbPress team confirmed that this is a known bug they are working to solve?
Why hello there… I can now reproduce the issue π
I have the cause of the issue identified and a patch 100% complete that prevents this from occurring in the future. π
The cause is one of our repair tools “Count replies in each forum” π
Immediate Workaround: Run the “Count replies in each topic” repair tool and DO NOT run the “Count replies in each forum” repair tool, it deletes data needed to calculate new replies displayed order.
NOTE: This will only prevent the issue from re-occurring, it will NOT fix existing replies affected.We still need to create a repair tool to update existing replies that are affected by this issue. I have a rough outline of the tool though it isn’t quite right yet as it is not picking up all the possible permutations and combinations of how replies can be ordered with or without ‘threaded replies’ enabled.
It’s 1:15am here my local time and I’m beat thus I’m pulling the pin for the evening. π
Thanks for your all of your patience along the way, sorry it wasn’t sooner but until we could reproduce the issue coming up with a fix is really hard π
If you want further technical details you can look at ticket #2586 in trac.
Once I’ve had some Zzzzz’s I’ll update this post.
I can’t wait until next version of the plugin. Therefore I’ve changed something here for my need.
The problem is same as Stephen’s explain, parent post gets reply id.And I’ve removed treated (sub) reply possibility from posts and added page_walk sub function into BBP_Walker_Reply class (bbpress/includes/common/classes.php).
Those changes won’t allow sub replies but now my forum shows correct ordering π
Thanks a lot
Good night everyone!
I am new to bbpress, but not new to WordPress.
Could you please be so kind and explain clearly (for a newbie like me π ), what are the steps to fix this issue?
We have a website with wordpress and bbpress with responses whose order get’s altered… And this has direct impact in our visitors experience.
Thanks in advance for your patience.
LuisHi Luisc9,
I dont have an anwer for you as I have taken BBPress down for the moment. All I can say is, I have a coder who charges me $15 an hour to fix this kind of stuff. Got him from Elance and he is good and trustworthy. For people who aren’t all that good at fixing this type of stuff, its worth it – well for me it is anyway. Hope someone replies to you soon.
I sure do miss threaded replies. Is there any word on when this long-persistent bug will be fixed?
This was fixed in bbPress 2.5.4, to repair any of affected replies run the “Recalculate the position of each reply” repair tool from Tools -> Forums
Thanks Kris35 and Stephen. I will check and let you know.
Have a great day!
Bad news π
I got the message: “Recalculating reply menu order β¦ No reply positions to recalculate!”
But the replies are not in order…
Any ideas? Should we apply the fix at https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2586 ?
Thanks in advance
LuisNo, do not apply any fixes in #2586, these are what was included in bbPress 2.5.4.
I’ll check out a couple of things and get back to you, in the meantime do you still have “Enable Threaded Replies” in bbPress settings?
Hereβs my setup:
WordPress Version: 3.8
bbPress Version: 2.5.2
Operating System: Linux
Web Server: Apache
Theme: Twenty Twelve child theme
PHP Version: 5.3.3Thanks for looking into this!
I am editing now my website cepinfo and windowshata
Thanks Stephen.
We would appreciate your feedback on this.
Answering to your question, no, the “Enable Threaded Replies” option is disabled.
Hello everyone!
Stephen: do you have any answer on this? We need to imple,ent a forum soon, and this should be resolved before π
LuisI’m still seeing this behavior in the latest bbpress. Tried the new “Recalculate the position of each reply” and all old posts that were edited in the WP Control Panel are “stuck” at the bottom.
Wordpress 4.1.1
bbpress 2.5.4Example:
β Post 1
β Post 2
β Post 3
β Post 4Simple added this code css:
/* Display sub-forums in separate lines */
#bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li {
display: list-item !important;}
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11 years, 4 months ago
I noticed that when someone (normally the admin), edits a post, the post goes to the wrong position on the topic:
– Post 1
– Post 2
– Post 3
– Post 4
If I edit the Post 2, next time I open the topic the order will be:
– Post 1
– Post 3
– Post 4
– Post 2
Is this a feature or a bug?
If it’s a feature, is there any way to disable it?