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Easy way to integrate BBPress & WordPress themes

  • @lamentira


    I have discovered that there is a very easy way to integrate a BBPress forum inside of a WordPress blog. I havent found anyone in the forums doing it in this way so I will explain it here.

    1. Asumed that you have instaled wordpress and bbpress, and you have integrated bbpress with wordpress following the steps showed in bbpress installation process.

    2. You have to go to the administration pannel in your wordpress (wp-admin)

    3. Create a page named Forum. Chose HTML and include the following code:

    <iframe id=”forum” name=”forum” src=”http://your_url/bbpress_folder&#8221; frameborder=”0″ framespacing=”0″ scrolling=”auto” border=”0″ style=”width:925px; height:1000px; ” >

    Sorry, your browser doens’t support iframe. Please upgrade your browsers.


    replace the bold characters for the apropiate values in your web. The number in bold is the with of your blog. In that case (I use primepress theme) it is 925

    4. Now we only have to add the widget to show the page, or like in my case, the theme shows all the pages in the blog as options in the header. We only have to remove the header and the footer of the forum.

    5. In your bbpress directory go to bbtemplates and make a copy of kakumei directory. You could call it noheader directory and open it.

    6. Open header.php and replace this

    <body id=”<?php bb_location(); ?>”>

    <div id=”wrapper”>

    <div id=”main”>

    <div class=”search” align=”right”>

    <?php search_form(); ?>


    <?php if ( bb_is_profile() ) profile_menu(); ?>

    with this

    <body id=”<?php bb_location(); ?>”>

    <div id=”wrapper”>

    <div id=”main”>

    <div class=”search” align=”right”>

    <?php search_form(); ?>


    <?php if ( bb_is_profile() ) profile_menu(); ?>

    7. Open footer.php and delete this section

    <div id=”footer” role=”contentinfo”>

    <p><?php printf(__(‘%1$s is proudly powered by bbPress.’), bb_option(‘name’), “;) ?></p>

    <!– If you like showing off the fact that your server rocks –>

    <!– <p class=”showoff”>


    global $bbdb;


    __( ‘This page generated in %s seconds, using %d queries.’ ),

    bb_number_format_i18n( bb_timer_stop(), 2 ),

    bb_number_format_i18n( $bbdb->num_queries )



    </p> –>


    <?php do_action(‘bb_foot’); ?>

    8. Open style.css and delete this

    #wrapper {

    background: #fff url(‘images/page_header_tile.png’) repeat-x 0px -15px;


    9. You can add the reference a in the wordpress footer.

    Hope this help

    You can see the result here

    This is the forum page:

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  • @_ck_


    Do not integrate using iframes, you can’t bookmark anything or return to specific pages via RSS

    Learn a little css and just make the header and footer match.



    Which is the best way to learn CSS? Any easy how to?



    This site isn’t too bad:

    But if you just search the internet, you will find lots of tutorials and references. You’ve already gone about modifying your template files, so modifying the CSS is not going to be too difficult for you.



    ok thx



    It’s not an ideal solution, but good enough for beginners who just want to embed a forum into their blog. Thanks for posting



    I wouldn’t use this. I’m deep integrating myself but for beginners, it will work.



    If you are going to resort to iframe’ing it then you may as well use some sort of hosted solution.



    :P I agree. Deep Integration is the way to go. See my site:

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