Discussion forums for Dodecá, a foundation that carries forward a Cultural Center and a Film School. Its ativities are all somehow related to cinema (of quality).
ps: it is in Spanish… and my apologies for also posting in the sticky one.
“ps: it is in Spanish… “
-> pues te ha quedado muy chulo.
I saw people posted images. Did you set any kind of automatically image resizing?
Hey, I really like that! It looks great. The black, green and white really works.
The link colour is a bit confusing though. Tag links are light blue when hovered but nothing else is? They’re text colour normally? The biggest change (backround to black) is when you hover over the table row, yet you’ve still gotta hover over the actual title. Then people’s names are always light blue yet only sometimes links, while the actual link under their name is text colour. It confuses me
I think you’d be better off just sticking to green and black, because that does work really well and it’s one damn cool design.
“The black, green and white really works.”
-> I agree!
I’m thinking that literally translating “tags” is not a a good idea because in spanish it doesn’t sound very meaningful. Same with wordpress “categories”, it sounds strange.
I’d like to suggest anyother word but I still haven’t found a good one
Hey, thanks for the feedback. The fact that I almost have just a css file on “my-templates” is also a big compliment to the work done on bbPress and its markup.
fel: Thanks! Glad you like it. I agree with you on the colours. Actually, I began with only black, green and white, but somehow I just felt there where too many “greens” around (damaging the overall mood), so I grew tired of it and dropped some blue into the mix. But you certainly have a point on link-colour coherence. I’ll be looking on that. Thanks for the thumbs-up!
ganzua: Absolutely. The translation of “tags” is almost meaningless in Spanish. I often go for “categorías” instead of “tags”, and put “secciones” instead of “categories”. But for this forum I just put the translation files and didn’t touch anything…
And I have to thank back to the bbPress team for the simplicity of their work. It is a pleasure to “design” on it.
Hi Rosebud, I agree. It looks really well. Very good integration!
I have been looking for the Spanish translation but the one I found does not work for me. Did you translate it yourself? Would you share the files of your translation or could you tell me where did you get them?
Thanks in advance!
Nice design, nice color scheme. Great forum software
Great work, dodecá is from uruguay? (.uy)
Thanks for the words, both of you.
@ w3creativa:
Actually, the translation I am using is from a bbpress related site. I can’t remember which one though. I’ll try and upload the files if you want them.
@ benbeltran:
Dodecá is indeed from Uruguay.
Uruguay is such a lovely country, It’s good to impulse the arts, specially film. BBPress is everywhere
open to embrace from gaming to arts, from code to random discussion. Code, indeed, is poetry.
Hi again Rosebud, Is it an integration of wordpress and bbpress or you just installed bbpress and changed the language?. I am asking you because I integrated and when I try to change the language I get an error. I have done some research and I looks like there´s no solution yet.
I have wordpress and bbpress integrated (in terms of users and logins) but they do not share all the functions. BBPress is translated and working fine, however, I don’t have the wordpress code translated, just a po for the theme.
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