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Display uppercase Letters in Usernames

  • @tarnvogl



    On default, bbPress displays all usernames in lowercase letters.
    How can I display the upper case letters for all users?
    I already searched in some topics for the answer, but haven’t found anything useful.

    Thank you!

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  • @robkk


    This should get a quite a few of the users names and turn them uppercase.

    add this custom css where you can put custom css like in your child themes stylesheet or a custom css plugin.

    a.bbp-author-name {
        text-transform: uppercase;



    thank you for your answer, I already had this in mind, but this would always uppercase the first letter of every name. Is there also a way for the forum, to recognize any capital letter that has been written? For example look at my name in this forum. This is also bbPress, right? So it should work in some way.



    you can try this also and see if it works

    a.bbp-author-name {
        text-transform: uppercase !important;

    if it doesn’t you can link to your site so i could see if there is any conflicting CSS.



    this CSS transforms every letter in a capital letter.
    Actually thats a strange thing, I don’t have the CSS class “a.bbp-author-name”.
    I made some small changes in the loop-single-reply.php, but even when I am not loading the modified .php file, the “a.bbp-author-name” class does not appear.

    Here is the link to the forum:

    In this example, the “J” of julian and the “L” of tarnvogl are actually written in capital letters.

    Maybe it is a wordpress issue, because when I add a user manually in the backend, only lowercase letters are allowed. But if you try to register on the front end, it will accept names with capital/uppercase letters. Feel free to create an account with capital letters and try it for yourself.

    Thank you for helping me with this 🙂




    yes i see this is highly customized , look good too.

    what code did you use to display the users profile name??

    I am sure all you have to do is wrap it in a class, then just add a similar CSS snippet to what i gave you.



    thank you!
    To give the usernames some custom css, I added a custom class into the loop-single-reply.php
    Here is the part of the code with the custom class (custom-forum-user)

    <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_before_reply_author_details' ); ?>
       <div class="custom-forum-user"> 
    	   <!--- <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'sep' => '<br />',  'show_role' => true ) ); ?> -->
    		<?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'sep' => '<br />', 'size' => 150 ) ); ?>
       </div>  <!--- custom-forum-user -->
    		<?php if ( bbp_is_user_keymaster() ) : ?> 

    But the problem still appears, even when I am not loading my custom loop-single-reply.php. So I think it is not an issue of that.

    I also deleted the user links to their forum profile in my functions.php. But even this (I tested it) is not the cause of the problem with the lower case letters. This is everything I changed regarding the forum user names.
    What do you think can I do to fix this issue?



    I also deleted the user links to their forum profile in my functions.php

    what code did you use to do that??

    i wonder if i get the same issue if i use that and your custom forum user snippet ??



    This is the code I use in my functions.php to delete the user links:

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_author_link', 'remove_author_links', 10, 2);
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_author_link', 'remove_author_links', 10, 2);
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_author_link', 'remove_author_links', 10, 2);
    function remove_author_links($author_link, $args) {
    $author_link = preg_replace(array('{<a[^>]*>}','{}'), array(""), $author_link);
    return $author_link;

    You can try that, but as I mentioned, even when I’m not loading any modified .php files, I get the same issue. I’m curious what you can find out 🙂



    Does adding !important help??

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-user-role {
      font-size: 1rem;
      color: rgba(105, 105, 105, 1);
      font-family: Lato, Arial, Helvetica;
      text-transform: uppercase !important;



    this CSS transforms every letter in a capital letter. But I want that letters like the “L” in my name (in this forum) should be written in a capital letter. So maybe this is more a php issue ..?




    oh sorry i thought you meant make it all capital letters.

    There might be some PHP causing the issue that i cannot see

    i see that you have a child theme of twentyfourteen and by default the theme doesn’t have this.




    it is not the fault of the child theme, I deactivated it and used the default twentyfourteen theme, without any modifications. The problem still remains.

    Maybe this information will help: In the backend, WordPress also displays all users in lower case letters. Do you think there is anything I can do to change this? Maybe it is not a problem of bbPress, but more an issue of WordPress..



    it might be another plugin causing the issue.

    Maybe during registration?? not sure though.

    WordPress on your side displays all users in the “all users” section to be lowercase even when they have uppercase and lowercase in their usernames??



    yes, in the section “all users” they are all displayed in lower case letters.
    I deactivated all my plugins, it is not their fault.

    I googled again and found out that many other poeple have the same problem. It seems there is currently no solution for that issue :/



    it might be a multisite thing where it forces users to have lowercase letters as their usernames, so this might be intentional in WordPress.

    If you want your display name to be unique edit your profile and add a nickname and change your display name with the dropdown in your profile.

    you can see how my display name changed after i changed the nickname and display name in my profile on here.



    yes I see, indeed, I am running a multisite and yes, it is possible to display the nicknames with a capital letter. But I am going to build a community and can not change the letters for every user manually.
    If you find more information about this issue, please let me know! Thank you for your help 🙂



    well when im thinking about it this site is multisite and it doesnt show the issue you are having.

    if you want you can create me an admin account and send the login details to my email.

    I will tell you when i enter into your site

    im just going to look over not mess with anything

    look over your plugins and settings and maybe theme files and see if i can find something that might be causing an issue.

    i will then tell you when i think i found an issue though email , let you or ask to give me permission to do something.

    if it doesnt try again , if it does then you can delete the admin account for me and this topic is resolved.




    Thank you for your offer to have alook on the backend, but to have an insight to the plugins adn site network you need to be a super admin. Please don’t take this personal, I really appreciate your help, but unless you are not an admin or moderator of this forum, I am too sceptical about giving someone that kind of access to the backend.
    If you like to take the time we can manage this via teamviewer and VoIP 🙂




    oh yeah forgot about that.

    I understand at that point on your end though.

    I am trustworthy though 🙂

    if you want you can hire a developer to try to find the issue and fix this for you.

    post a job at

    and sorry i do not really like using stuff like teamviewer



    or you can hand this off to Robin, since he is a Mod here.

    Contact me



    @robkk Thank you!

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