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Display latest post excerpt under Freshness

  • @azinfiro



    Is there an established way to show a short excerpt of the latest post in a forum, category, etc. under the “Freshness” title?

    Other software like vBulletin support this: Steam Forums

    If not, then I would love a point in the right direction of which hooks and functions, etc. I should start with.

    I’m developing a custom WordPress theme which I have now extended to cover a custom bbPress theme, but I don’t really know PHP, so any help will be appreciated.

    Thank you.

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  • @robin-w


    yes, but you’d need some php, so depends what you mean by ‘I don’t really know PHP’

    the plugin bbp-last-post plays with code in this area, so take a look at that

    and look at

    bbpress/includes/common/wdgets.php for how to put a title in



    Thank you for the reply.

    I just realized that the Steam Forums I linked to don’t actually do what I’m talking about. I’m gonna see what I can do with wdgets.php the plugin you linked to, but just to clarify:

    I’m looking for the first couple of words from the most recent post of each forum to be displayed under “Freshness” on the front page and on forum lists, etc.

    I’ll figure out the PHP I need to, so don’t worry about that πŸ™‚



    presume the words from the topic/reply heading?

    if so, then widgets will show you what code you need.

    I could look at it, but it will be a while, and I’m buried in plugins !



    No, I mean words from the content.

    Don’t worry about it though, it’s a low priority, even for me.

    I’m also starting to have second thoughts about it now that I’ve only been able to find one example of it being used in production.

    I’ll keep looking at the material you posted along with the bbp and wp codices though.



    ok, no problem, come back if we can help further !



    Will do. Thanks for the help anyway! πŸ™‚



    If when you decide to come back to this you’ll want to use the_excerpt

    There are varios examples scattered throught this site also



    Thanks for the tip, I’ll keep that in mind.

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