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Different Sidebar for the Forums

  • @herophantom


    So I just started using bbpress over the weekend and so far I’m really liking it. There is only one issue I’m having that I can’t seem to figure out. I am using this plugin:

    Custom Sidebars Pro

    to allow me the function of different sidebars for different pages. It has worked perfectly for 90% of the forums pages except for the top level forum page. That is the only one that I can’t seem to get to use a sidebar other then the default one. At the moment, what I have done is manually made a page with the same slug as the top level forum page, left it blank except for the option that this other plugin enables to change the sidebars. Have a look at it here:
    if you look at the public forums page, you will see the side bar is what I want it to be, but if you look at the top level forums page, it reverts back to the default.

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  • @robin-w


    bbpress will use the default page template for the main index rather than the specific page template set in the page – so your setting in the forum page won’t apply.

    There are several ways around this, but as your plugin is a paid one, I can’t see the code to recommend the best solution.

    So first off I’d post a query onto their support site

    Outstanding Support

    they probably have come across bbpress before and will know the answer. You could tell them that bbpress uses ‘is_bbpress()’ to see if it is a bbpress page, that might help them.



    Thank you.

    I would also like to update, so after reading some more last night, I found the documentation on the short codes. I tried making a dedicated page and using the short codes to load the main forum index. Now this works in almost every way, including using the proper sidebar that I want, however, the search option at the top is now off set, with the button below the bar instead of next to it. I have been fiddling with the CSS for awhile to see if I can get it to align properly, but so far no luck. And now, even the page provided by the bbpress plugin is doing the same thing. So maybe I messed something up, or maybe I’m just missing something, but if I can get this solved, I will have a perfect solution.



    the link to your site no longer works fro me – so I can’t see the issue



    So another update:
    The bossman wasn’t liking the layout that bbpress uses and insisted on using a different forum plugin. So, I’m very sorry to have wasted any of your time, but I appreciate your quick response and helpfulness, I will defiantly keep bbpress on hand for future projects.



    Hey no problem !

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