I can’t believe no-one else is screaming about this.
Forums should display topics most-recent-first, the way the Activity Stream does.
Is there a fix for this?
would love to be able to sort forum topics by:
is this possible – would it require a plugin?
I know this would create another DB call, but surely this option should be a no brainer for the users. this appears to be a un-popular issue for users..
is bbpress not listening or addressing this request?
@sandyrig was hoping for sorting a topic not replies
I guess bbPress developers have so much stuff in their hands. Been searching for solutions for days but still no luck. I find this software a bit constrained.
Has anybody tried muut?
Using the most recent version, able to order topics by latest posted topic and not by latest topic activity
bbpress>includes>topics>template : (line)154
I didn’t remove it but commented it as I don’t know what to replace with the _bbp_last_active_time to achieve ordering by the latest posted topic.