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Custom Profile Fields

  • @travisdigiprimedesignsnet


    I have searched these forums and for the life of me can not find exactly what I am aiming for.

    Basically I run a gaming community. For the most part, everyone uses discord, and the new forum system discord currently has. However our website has been a beacon that has kept us getting back in touch with each other for over 25 year and im trying to not only keep it alive, but adding content.

    Basically I have the WP Discord plugin. I want to have BBPress allow the user to add their specific game names (battle net, steam, EA, Activision IDs) to their website / forum profile. I downloaded and installed the Advanced custom field plugin via wordpress, but it doesm’t seem to work with BBpress. If I make a new page or post I can add the fields, but I am looking more in terms of the wordpress user adding them upon registering on the site, then showing in the BBpress profile.

    I used to modify SMF years ago and played around a lot with different content management forum software, but am fairly new to wordpress itself, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how bbpress feels familiar to me. I feel like this is something super simple and easy to accomplish and im just looking in the wrong place.

    On our old SMF forum, I literally had it setup in a URL format to where you would put your Steam username, but then on your profile it would be a clickable link to your steam page. It was super easy and literally required modifying the code 2 or 3 lines to fix once installing a basic plugin for SMF. I feel like this should be easier.

    Can someone please point me in the right direction? Also, thank you all for what you do!

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  • @scottmotion


    First you could try Robin’s bbPress plugin:
    Same with BuddyPress integration:

    If you’re not using BuddyPress though I would highly recommend looking into it. You can enable “Extended Profile Fields” and there’s also a plugin for custom field types:

    As far as the outbound links themselves go you might need to code/style them yourself unless your theme automatically converts links.



    Wow, this is almost perfect. The plugin I had on my old SMF board let you customize the actual output. For example: If their Steam username was deciph3red, it would make a link that took you to “{username}”. I am just now playing with this plugin and haven’t seen this yet, but just trying to get a head start. Thank you so much scottmotion!



    Just wanted to add, it worked ALMOST exactly how the “user_url” table inside of wp_users. It was a clickable link, however it allowed you to put a custom URL prior to the “output”.



    Here is a screenshot.
    SMF Profile fields

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