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Custom freshness links

  • @inget


    How can I show the freshness links within the different subforums, but not on the forum overview page (where all forums are listed)?

    I found a way to make them invisible through css, but now they’re invisible everywhere.
    I don’t want them to show here but I DO want them to show within the subforums, like this one.

    Thanks in advance!

    (Apologies if this pops up twice, I made this topic before but it only showed in my profile, not here).

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  • @inget


    Argh, the links disappeared.
    -> I don’t want them to show here but I DO want them to show within the subforums, like this one.



    You probably just need to target the CSS to only there forum titles:

    #bbpress-forums {
    	background: none;
    	margin: 0;
    	list-style: none;



    That didn’t work, but this does:
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-forum-freshness, li.bbp-topic-freshness { display:none; }
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-forum-info, li.bbp-topic-title { width:75%; }

    but this targets ALL forums, and I just want to disable it on the front page where all forums are listed.



    Your suggestion to target the forums did trigger the solution: I have targeted each forum directly, for instance

    #bbp-forum-857 li.bbp-forum-freshness, li.bbp-topic-freshness { display:none; }
    #bbp-forum-857 li.bbp-forum-info, li.bbp-topic-title { width:75%; }

    I did so for each private forum, and this works like a charm.



    Cool, glad your sorted, your second link was protected and non-members couldn’t see it, forgot to mention that before. 😉



    Hmpf. It still disables ALL reply links, not just from the front forums overview page, but inside the subforums as well (apparently I was viewing a cached version before).

    Is it a page template instead that I need to figure out then?



    Thanks to IngeT for leading with the way to map out the bad Freshness data. After cruising around the Forum, I don’t see a good answer to this. The only ticket open appears not to be addressed these last five months on this ticket:



    @inget should have used this.

    .forum-archive li.bbp-forum-freshness {
        display: none;
    .forum-archive li.bbp-forum-info {
        width: 77%;


    Do you have an incorrect freshness date on your forum archive?? Plus that ticket you linked to is specific, that is why you see the compenent being Site – and that the pictures are of



    Yes. I used those css changes to get rid of the Freshness display altogether until I could see that the Forum Description at the top of each form was corrected. It’s misleading,o when a topic is created 10 years ago and has had only replies since, to show the “last updated” is 10 years with a reply only months ago.




    Do you trash or restore any topics?? Some users have been saying this may be the cause of the issue.

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