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Create New Topic – At the top of the forum page

  • @mike80222


    Hi. I would like to have a “new topic” button (or link) at the top of the forum page, rather than having the “create new topic” form at the bottom of the page. Can someone give me some guidance about how to do this? I’m assuming that I’m going to override one of the templates, but I can’t figure out which one. Thanks!

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  • @robin-w


    bbp style pack

    lets you do this

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Buttons



    Thanks Robin. This looks like a great plugin. However, at least for the time being, I’m more interested in trying to learn how things work, and how I can modify the behaviour myself. Unless anyone else has suggestions, I’ll keep digging.



    the templates are in


    start with content-archive-forum which is the main forums list, and then you’ll see how the other templates are called



    Hi There. I am new to bbpress, but I had a similar requirement, and I believe the following works:

    1) Create a page where users can create a new topic. To do this, you can use one of these shortcodes: for new topic page: [bbp-topic-form]
    for topic specific to forum id: [bbp-topic-form]

    2) Put a link to this page in the menu. (so in your menu, have a “Create a New Topic” link that takes you to the new topic page).



    Sorry–I think there was a typo earlier. The shortcodes are here:

    Shortcode for create new topic page: [bbp-topic-form]
    for new topic specific to an id: [bbp-topic-form forum_id=$forum_id]



    Thanks @w3215. I had been just planning to link down to the bottom of the page where the new topic stuff is. But I think what you’re suggesting is probably a better idea.

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