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cPanel Dangers?

  • @willyth


    I’ve hired someone from Upwork to fix my bbPress implementation… He says he needs to use my cPanel. As a non-developer, this makes me nervous. SHOULD I BE WORRIED? SHOULD I ALLOW THIS?

    If so, what precautions should I take?

    Thank you!!

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  • @gdragon


    I would never give cPanel access to anyone. Why does he needs it, exactly?



    would depend on what he is trying to fix, and how much you trust, and what ‘data’ you site holds that could be embarrassing. If you hold no client info other than say usernames, then you could take a more relaxed attitude.

    I tend to work on test/dev sites rather than live sites, and I like to have both cpanel and ftp access to sites I am working on, but most of what I do is code, and the ability to back out stuff is key.

    suggest you look to build a test/dev site and give him access to that.

    Creating a Test Site



    Thank you!! Both responses are very helpful!

    = Will

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