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Cookie key's and salts match – but single sign on still not working?

  • km


    Hi all,

    I am using BBPress 1.03 and WordPress 3.1.

    I have installed both, and BBpress successfully using my WordPress user database, with the relevant user roles mapped. I can log into BBpress using my WordPress user accounts.

    I have the following at the top of both my wp-config.php file and my bb-config.php file (note: I don’t have the COOKIEHASH defined in bb-config.php):

    define( 'COOKIEHASH', 'd36e8c873ff8f9c997d969ab483cd640' );
    define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', '' );
    define( 'SITECOOKIEPATH', '/blog/' );
    define( 'ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', '/blog' );
    define( 'COOKIEPATH', '/blog/' );

    I then have the unique keys specified in both wp-config.php and bb.config.php:

    define('AUTH_KEY',         'f3y#H_;s:WLry|<code>ja|$!|L%m0xbRE>:o@ N</code>(-Uv:,7WafXX,vR>=z>Uj c@[t>N');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', ':(S7I[u%v0K<!0HAQWP1vcop^4+,=4=jj.ceAmioE|Zo<UY|7g&w$5ntdG,=k;6!');
    define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'c<code>_Ce{WV{:OhB7in@>].^qb*-y=b@p|^K|_gx.%%^;</code>$2{:$X;eS5SJg<3nH.5)l');
    define('NONCE_KEY', '@C%3/EU?/O=Xt36b;Z@;McIeo7UP-|9sqi&gk/f]p?c|Jx0ZNEnCmYS-_T^?[W$');
    define('AUTH_SALT', '|++I0w;>^aBCc,eaUTRZxd+EUdj;H1q]_~1B7R blEql3lwt4#y-RziRyS&qVs5');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'l<i3+Y-JrYB<3rirFmNi*+>|~:NXPfI _xGzl)2?myj aY{f{%v+U#by5kfFBb5E');
    define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'Bk~2!XQR}_4H)qno#uTvH?+ }#h|F+KF&CSL5^a:eNM1_.aA]!~r(g|<cvl<;_@');
    define('NONCE_SALT', 'P|gX2|>ScAMaOZCrEKv#F*/yZ;Wy*a|uuVA!!ds]MUhE.U,ok+sJMe4dF0;+qft');

    (Note: in bbconfig.php all the defined values I have renamed with BB_ at the start (such as BB_AUTH_KEY)).

    However, I’m still unable to log in to one application (WordPress or BBpress) and have me automatically logged in to the other. I still have to log in to each.

    Is there something I am doing wrong?


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