Is this still of any interest ? If so, drop me a line https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/bbp-move-topics
Hi @corypina,
Why do you decide to do that? We are trying do the oposite. BBpress to CPT.
Could you share your experience?
Thank you
Hi. Three years later, we actually find ourselves in the opposite situation as well. We’d like to convert BBPress topics/replies to standard posts/comments. Have you done that successfully?
11 years, 7 months ago
We started a forum on a WP blog using custom post-types as the forum posts, giving users front-end access to a post box. We’ve decided to move to using bbPress for the forum.
We have two instances of WP. One currently using the custom post types, and another we’re developing with BuddyPress and bbPress. When it’s time to switch to our new system, we want to keep the conversations that were created in the custom post types, and convert them to bbPress topics.
I’ve found a few plugins that claim to convert posts to bbPress topics, but the primary issue I’ve run into is that these scripts and/or plugins do not bring the post’s comments along as well.
I need my custom posts and comments to become bbPress topics and replies.
Looking at the plugins, it seems I just need to change the post types in the database to the correct types (eg., ‘custom-post’ and ‘comment’ into ‘topic’ and ‘reply’). If we get into the database to make those changes, should that work? Or is there something further we need to do?
Other ideas?