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Constantly gets connecting to database error – Godaddy

  • @sacousino


    I am hosting bbPress on my GoDaddy host, as a subfolder (and subdomain) of my root directory. I had some issues getting it installed correctly because I continually received a “Error: Could not establish a database connection.” I kept having to delete the bb-config.php file and re-start again, and eventually it worked. No idea why it didn’t before.

    Now, you can access my forum at Periodically (quite frequently) on the public side and the admin side clicking on something will result in the same database connection error screen. However, reloading the page (sometimes multiple times) resolves whatever threw up the error and things work again. Until the next error screen, that is.

    Any idea what I can do to stop this error from popping up? Is it something with the software? With GoDaddy? With me?

    Any help is appreciated!

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  • @snat


    If bbPress can connect, this is GoDaddy related. I would submit a ticket to them saying the MySQL server keeps going away and what can they do to fix it.



    If bbPress can connect, this is GoDaddy related. I would submit a ticket to them saying the MySQL server keeps going away and what can they do to fix it.

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