Great and all. Though this happened FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN downloads ago.
Fail or not?
bbPress 0.9 downloads: 149095
bbPress 1.0 downloads: 106462
_ck_ plugin downloads: 93179
(but I think the plugin download counter was broken after 2.0)
Which is a strong indication that a huge majority of BBPress users wants the functionality offered by many of your plugins. Which should make it obvious that many of them should be built straight into BBpress by default.
Thats a leap mate.
The joy of bbPress is that if you want something, you can use a plugin. It keeps things nice and light for those that don’t want it 
2. Less (code) is more
3. Simplicity is a feature
That said, _ck_, congratulations!!
Its wonderful for it to be so obvious as to how much you’ve contributed.
@Marius, but everyone downloads different ones.
I’d never want to see even a handful of my plugins built into bbPress by default.
As much as people express the desire for a program to do everything they want out-of-the-box, it’s a VERY bad idea with software. Makes things too bulky. WordPress today is a perfect example of what happens when you give into that desire, you get bloated, overloaded, slow code.
But sadly they don’t believe in plugins – I’m kinda surprised even akismet is not hard coded into WordPress.
bbPress should have been a lightweight framework, half the size that it is now, that maybe shipped with a dozen plugins that are OFF by default. Too late now though.