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Confused re bbpress/buddypress forums and integration

  • @opentuition



    I am new to bbpress/buddypress

    we are planning to migrate phpbb3 to bbpress,

    so, we plan to have wpmu/bbpress/buddypress

    what confuses me and my whole concept, is buddypress forums..

    as it is, we plan to move php forums to bbpress

    but where do buddypress forums stand?

    sure, each group can have a forum – that’s all I know – so I guess they wont replace bbpress forums

    Has anyone set up bbpress/buddypress forums? could I have a look at your site and how you are using forums?

    Kind regards


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  • @gerikg


    this question should be addressed on but I know the answer!

    The Buddypress’ forums uses the BBpress technology for their Groups. Buddypress has something called Groups. The Groups allow people (your users) to form their own group which they can invite people to join or have people join on their own. The group has it’s own forums controlled by the Group creator. The group creator can add/edit put any forum titles they want. Buddypress adapted the BBpress Forums into the groups.

    You’ll have WPMU

    BuddyPress with Groups (intergrated BBpress)

    BBpress which is a forum only controlled by you.

    Good luck. I tried it, got it working for the most part but there are things that aren’t address because it’s three different programs trying to be one.



    Thanks for quick reply!

    it is clearer now





    May I ask a follow on question? I involves the protection of individual forums.

    From this post: an explanation is

    given on how to protect specific groups.

    In that post it mentions role’s. If I have specific roles already inside my WP site other than subscriber

    (which I think is member in bbPRESS), for example: Free, BRonze, Silver, Gold…can I limit specific

    “Group” forums to just those roles or an aray of roles?



    For bbPress Forum just download the plugin

    for the BuddyPress Group Forum you need someone to convert it to BuddyPress compatible.

    example =

    Some of the bbPress plugins were converted.



    I use bbpress for forums on my BuddyPress website. The problem I have is that some of the groups are hidden and their forums needs to be hidden too. They cannot be veiewd on the site by those who are not members of those hidden groups but the conversations in the group’s forum can be viewed on the forum itself.

    How can I hide the bbpress forums that belong to the BuddyPress hidden or private groups? Can it be done automatically?



    Do you have a separate theme to access your forums directly, or are non group members able to access those forums/topics from within BuddyPress?



    I uses WP, BuddyPress, and bbPress in my website.

    The buddyPress members cannot see that group because it is hidden. So they cannot see its forum either because it is part of the group. But if they go to the “Forum” directly they can see all the conversations in the forum for that group. What I do not know is that:

    a. How to hide a forum in bbPress,

    b. How to make it automatic to create hidden forums in bbPress for hidden groups in BuddyPress.

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