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Hide topics

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  • @johnhiler


    One option would be to install Hidden Forums, and designate one folder as hidden to all but admins:

    Then if you wanted to hide a particular topic, you could just move it into your private forum… :-)



    Thanks johnhiler

    I download and activate this plugin, but i dont know how to using this plugin

    please help me running this plugin with an example




    Hidden forums hasn’t an admin page and you must edit the php file. Locate your “hidden-forums.php” file. On top you will see a couple of line that you can change together with a brief documentation regarding the changes you can make. Remember that with this plugin you can hide forums but not individual posts.



    Thanks for response me

    I need a plugin for hide a Topic



    There isn’t.



    Here are some more detailed instructions for you:

    1) First, create a new forum and call it “Hidden” or something similar.

    2) Upload and activate the Hidden Forums plugin.

    3) Get the forum id number here:

    For the sake of this example, let’s say the forumid of your new forum you want to hide is #3.

    4) Now edit the settings manually at the top of the plugin:

    Use the settings below, at the end of this post.

    5) Reupload your plugin with the new settings, and see if it works!

    Hope that helps! :-)

    $hidden_forums=array(3); // hide these forums, list by comma seperated number

    $hidden_forums=array(‘keymaster’,’administrator’); // these roles can always see ALL forums regardless

    $hidden_forums[3]=array(‘administrator’,’moderator’); // exact formal role name, *not* ability

    $hidden_forums=array(1); // these users can always see ALL forums regardless

    $hidden_forums=”[H] “; // text, html, css or image to indicate hidden forums/topics, make it =””; if you don’t want any label at all



    I need a plugin for hide a Topic

    He needs to hide a single topic, not an entire forum.



    @zaerl – Yah but once he has a private forum setup, he could hide any topic by just moving it into the private forum? Then only admins and moderators could see it…



    Indeed, you are right. But maybe he needs a fine control topic by topic. It can be something like hiding a single topic to guests that registered members can still watch on the original forum.

    Or at least that is what I understand.



    @zaerl – I can’t think of a way to achieve that with existing plugins, other than configuring the Hidden Forums plugin?

    The other option might be to just delete the topics you want to “hide”… as admin, you’ll still be able to see them.

    If neither of those approaches work, then the best bet would probably be to hire a developer to write a custom plugin!



    I think that Hidden Forums can be modified in order to hide individual posts. It’s just a matter of changing the hidden_forums_filter filter function but it seems that the author doesn’t update her plugin no more.



    The tricky thing with Hidden Forums is the lack of a frontend. The plugin doesn’t have a frontend at all… there are only manual settings which let you set individual forums as hidden or not. The frontend is handled through bbPress’ built-in “move topic” pulldown…

    That said, someone might be able to hack Hidden Forums to add an extra frontend toggle that lets admins hide individual topics! :-)



    I’m working on a little plugin that is a rework of Hidden Forums. It will allow the user to hide topics as well of forums. I will post the code after some testing.



    I tested this plugin and I confirm that it works very well. Thanks to the maker of this plugin!

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