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Confirmation email is not sending

  • I have just started with bbpress and I think there is some problem with it.

    It is said that the user Confirmation mail will receive in Minutes but it hasn’t received yet. What should I do now?

    Orelse please tel me the way to avoid ’email confirmation’ in user registration.

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  • chrishajer


    First determine if you can send email from that server. Can you? Have you ever received mail from the server?

    Also, what type of server, and what version of bbPress did you install, and are you integrated with WordPress? Using English or another language? All of these things can affect how mail is sent from your server.

    Yes, I was receiving emails when I was using WordPress from the same server. So it’s not the problem with the server side.

    I am using latest version of bbpress (bbPress 1.0.2) I am using English language. I have not integrated WordPress with this bbPress.

    So what is the problem With email sending?



    Did you set a valid email address when you installed bbPress? You can check here:

    Make sure there is an email address set there under “E-mail address”.

    If that is already set and it still does not work, please post your forum URL.

    Now everything is solved. It was the problem with the email I used in the registration. I tried registering with another email and it is now working perfectly.

    Thanks a lot for your support, chrishajer

    Hope you’ve a cool time here on bbPress Support Forums.

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