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combination buddypress/bbpress

  • @carasse64


    Hi Robin

    I run a Buddypress site.

    I have decided to add a bbpress forum to my buddypress site because it allows to sort, archive and retrieve easily threads. In fact, when a user posts a question in the “what’s new” text box in buddypress and when other users comment this post, the thread quickly diseappears under the newsfeed activity. So, it becomes impractical to retrieve this interesting thread later. That’s why I prefer to prevent the users from posting anything on the newsfeed page and to force them to create a forum topic to launch a discussion.

    With a bbpress forum, the topics and the different forums allow to have a look easily on every topics created and it is very simple to search any type of topic with the search feature.

    So, to get a perfect combination of Buddypress and Bbpress, I am trying to get the next features :

    1. Disable the “Comment” button when a forum topic is displayed on the newsfeed = we can configure it in the buddypress general settings = OK.

    2. I would like to allow the user to directly reply to the topic by clicking on the comment reply button ( Actually, if he clicks on this button he just will be able to commment the activity. It would be great if by clicking he could reply to the topic.

    The new link for the comment reply button would be the direct link to reply the topic :

    3. Hide the “what’s new” text box at the top of the newsfeed page = I did it with css/display=none. I have created instead a “new topic” button in a widget (

    4. When a user creates a buddypress group, a forum should be automatically created with the same name as the group (the user can’t choose if he wants to create a forum or not). Is it possible to force that ?

    5. When a user creates a new topic from a buddypress group forum, the “Create new topic” button (instead of the “what’s new” text box) should create a new topic directly in the group linked to the forum. Is it possible to force that ?

    6. Once a new topic is created, when you push the “Submit” button, you should be linked to the newsfeed page to see how the topic you have just created is displayed on the newsfeed = I have already opened a new topic on bbpress forum for that 🙂

    I hope you understand all what I mean with my poor english. I have contacted the theme’s author (BuddyX/Webcom design) but they answered they can not help me.

    Do you think it is possible to configure such features ?

    Thanks a lot.


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  • @robin-w


    These all sound like buddypress not bbpress issues – have you posted this in the buddypress support forum?



    @carasse64 you should definitely post in the BP forum as Robin said, and also I have sometimes had good luck with the free forum at:



    Hello Robin and Mike

    I first asked to the buddydev team. They advised me to contact directly the author’s theme.

    So, I contacted the BuddyX team (WBCom design). They answered me these customizations could be done but they had not scheduled to do them. They advised me to hire a developer.

    we have to keep functionality-specific customization as minium as possible to follow standards.

    (BuddyX answer)

    You are right guys, I am going to post my questions in the BP forum. I hope I’ll be luckier than for my previous topics. Actually, I did not get any answer for my last topics in this forum. They are certainly fed up with all my questions 🙂

    Thanks a lot Robin and Mike.

    Have a good day (or night…)



    @mike80222 and @robin-w

    Buddypress forum answered me quickly : the advised me to hire a developper 🙂


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