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Changing Colour

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  • mattjblanchard


    Can anyone help me with his? Literally want the input box to either be white or the text to be white?
    Thank you



    I am having this same issue.I been in the bbpress.css editor and I am unable to find what color to have to remove that grey. My website has black forums and backgrounds. When your trying to post a topic or reply in HTML format it has white text. If you switch to use the visual to post it has grey text with is hard to read on a black background….. Anyone know what line I need to correct in bbpress.css to change the text of the visual for posting comments and messages????

    I have been at this for days

    I’ve spent days on this too, and although this topic didn’t help. it’s one i came across in my search, so thought i’d update with what worked for me.

    I think it’s now quite simple, but very unintuitive. Hopefully my explanation works for you guys too.

    IT’S NOT IN THE BBPRESS.CSS file! Arghhhhhhh

    Firstly, I started using chrome instead of iexplore/firefox. Using this I navigated to the topic/reply box that wasn’t letting me see the text, right click, and select inspect element. The box at the bottom, and to the right, can then help you identify where it’s picking up styles from. You should see a section at the bottom saying matched styles, in my case ‘content.css’

    If you hover over the style name (content.css for me) it should show you the location file and the section of code you need to change

    The file I needed to amend was

    And I just changed the section below, where color: #fff was previously different

    body { font-family: Georgia, “Times New Roman”, “Bitstream Charter”, Times, serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; color: #fff; margin: 10px; min-height: 100%;}

    I really hope this method helps others, as it’s been getting right on my nerves

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