To achieve this you have to translate bbPress in your language as described in the following page.
bbPress in Your Language
I have the correct language files in the folder… but it want select it as my language?
Thanks Good to know. I’ll update the Forum to accommodate both versions.
Please make sure you have uploaded files to /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ of your WordPress installation. If the /wp-content/languages/ and /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ folders do not exist, create them.
Also please rename each file of the files to bbpress-language_COUNTRY.extension
eg. bbpress-plugin-pt-br.po to bbpress-pt_BR.po
and to
Note: Ensure you use the – and _ in the correct place per the above example.
Hi, I also want to change language english to turkish. I download the mo and po files and put them in to /wp-content/languages/bbpress/.. But there is no config file to change define(‘BBLANG’,); to define(‘BBLANG’, ‘tr_TR’);
where it should be and if I created config.php and if I just write “define(‘BBLANG’, ‘tr_TR’);” is it work?
I hope somebody help me