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Change "member" to something else?

  • Is it possible to change the default “Member” link benath nicks to something else?

    I would like to change it to “info”.

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  • Michael


    You should try Post Count Plus (search for it in the Plugin Browser). It gives you the ability to change the levels of different members, based on how long they have been registered for, and how many posts they have made.



    I think Marius- is asking for something more along the line of making the Member text more usable. That title doesn’t really say anything about where that link is going to take you. So, if it were ‘info’ clicking it would make more sense since you are actually getting info about that member. Not everyone would have the title Member: some would be moderator or keymaster.

    Mark McWilliams


    I’m sure it could be changed to Member Info, Moderator Info and so on?… While I’d have attempted to create a ticket in trac for the change, I wouldn’t know where to start looking, nor would I know if it’d ever get accepted! But adding ‘Info’ onto the end really would help! :)



    Well, there is a way I just tested, by modifying core code (which I really don’t like doing).

    If pointing out where the change occurs could help someone to come up with a way to change it via a plugin, here it is…

    line 166

    $roles->add_role( 'member', __('Member'), array(

    change to

    $roles->add_role( 'member', __('Info'), array(

    same goes for the other roles in the same file (Moderator, etc.)

    Hope this helps.

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