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Change Author / moderator of a forum

  • @zimmermannc


    as administrator (Keymaster) I have created a forum for a team.
    I would like to make the actual manager of that team as moderator of their forum.
    I guess, that can only be done be making im author?
    How should I proceed?

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  • @casiepa



    If you do not have BuddyPress installed, then a moderator is a moderator for all forums. You could maybe tune this by installing ‘bbp private groups’, set the user to moderator and allow him only to go into groups that you want him to moderate.

    If you do have BuddyPress, then check on their forum if there are other possibilities.




    hI, Thank you for your answer
    I am using ‘bbp private groups‘ (not BuddyP)
    in the mean time, I found out that there is a maistake in the documentation:
    it says “Moderator – Can create and edit forums”,
    actually a moderator does not have the “create forum” item in his dashboard >> you should probabaly change the description
    ==> Only Keymasters can create a forum
    To give full control to the user managing a forum, he must be Keymaster,
    the result is that he can modify other users forums (not just his own).
    We are going to restrict forum acces using the “group” feature
    Again Many Thanks for hour help



    I’m the author of bbp private groups

    Do you see ‘forums’ in your dashboard?



    Dea Robin,
    Thank you for your answer,
    Yes a can see ‘forums’ in my dashboard
    but when looking at a specific forum, I cannot find any “author” field
    Do you agree with the fact that “Moderator – Cannot create and edit forums”?



    Do you agree with the fact that “Moderator – Cannot create and edit forums”?

    Not sure I either agree or disagree, or that it is a fact – I’m trying to help here, I’m not trying win an argument in a bar, but as a user of this software I haven’t tested every feature 🙂

    The documentation for bbpress says that moderators can publish and edit forums

    Is it this that you are asserting isn’t true?



    Does the moderator see ‘forums’ in the dashboard?



    I just tried: The moderator cannot see ‘forums’ in the dashboard
    He can only see topics and replies
    the doc in the codex is saying the opposite
    But i would like to change the name of the forum author (this name appears in the forum list, etc…)



    so if you go in as administrator and hover over forums, you get a list of

    all forums
    new forums
    forum moderators

    or what do you get?

    sorry but my test site is set up for buddypress at the mo for something else, so don’t want to alter to see what you get with just bbpress and my private groups



    and what version of bbpress are you on?



    Actually I am using the french version of WP
    For BBp, currently I am using the following plugins
    Maybe there might be some inconsistency?

    bbPress by La communauté bbPress version 2.5.8,
    bbP private groups by Robin Wilson version 3.0.8,
    bbPress Notifications by dFactory version,
    bbPress Topics for Posts by David Dean version 1.8.1,
    bbPress – Sort topic replies by Atif Naveed, Kevin Marshall version 1.0.3,
    GD bbPress Attachments by Milan Petrovic version 2.3.1




    Moderators cannot see the forums menu in the WordPress backend. To see the Forums menu item they need the keep_gate capability which only Keymasters have.

    Moderators can create forums on the frontend of your site if you used the [bbp-forum-form] shortcode in a page

    Editing forums, I am not sure how they are supposed to do that on the frontend, maybe bbPress had some functionality for managing BuddyPress group forums that is broken. Have to look into it.



    Thanks for looking at my issues
    I will try the [bbp-forum-form] in a page,
    but I understand that if a want someone to be able to create a forum
    Il will have to give him the keymaster capability
    and kindly ask him not to disturb the forums of other people




    Mods should be able to create a forum fine on the frontend, it is just they cannot edit the forums in the backend, only Keymasters.

    I am sure there are plugins that might be able to find the keep_gate capability, so you can change certain users and allow them to have that cap.



    I was not aware that shotcodes even existed for bbp.
    Further to your advice I seached and found the documentation of all the SC’s. This is a great step for me.
    Thank you for your help



    @zimmermannc You can use this code php code snippet/plugin and it will put the forum form in bbPress user profiles for users that can moderate.



    Not sure if this will help but, you can fine tune user capabilities with a user role plugin.

    Try this one. WPFront User Role Editor. I tried a few and that is the one I liked best.

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