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Can't make the author-reply avatar bigger

  • @jaja-1


    Lets hope bbPress will get a useful and easy to use Codex very soon because i can’t do anything with the templates tags like this.

    I’m try to make a author reply avatar bigger.

    This is the code that i imported to my file but it only displays the avatar at 40x40px.

    <?php bbp_reply_author_avatar( array( 'size' => '80' )); ?>

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  • @ineken


    hi you can use css ;)




    The syntax you are using is correct and I am able to make size changes doing it exactly the same way. Is it possible you are modifying the wrong template and simply not seeing the changes?



    Thats strange because i copied the bbPress files from the plugin to my WP theme (child theme) and start editing from that file.

    Im inside: wp-content > themes > my-child-theme > bbpress > loop-single-reply.php and i just deleted the entire basic avatar calling code because it pulling out the name, link and avatar in one php code with a in between.

    I didn’t like that because it wasn’t easy to customize so i deleted that bit and placed my own easy template tags.

    <div class="mpm-reply-author-avatar"><a href="<?php bbp_reply_author_url(); ?>"><?php bbp_reply_author_avatar(array('size' => '80')); ?></a></div>

    Link and title are working, avatar showing up only at 40px.

    Maybe something wrong with my Child Theme setup?

    Strange because i have done 2 days of editing and changing a lot of bbPress codes without any errors and all changes is made showed up.



    maybe you need to set type as avatar?

    Not sure why it does not work for you. I just tested in my child theme, and all is good… very strange.



    Maybe because I’m at a WP MultiSite ?

    My homepage (first website) is a slimmed version of this theme.³-template

    I only use the Media Queries (menu) from that template but but it has its own functions.php its not Twenty Ten or something.

    Maybe some Avatar calling code is missing that Twenty Ten has in the functions.php?

    And my forum (second website) + Multi site, is used as a Child Theme to the first website.

    If i create a page in my second website i can still use the template files from the first website like a contact page (template) so that would make me think that the Child Theme setup is down correctly.


    strange thing is that everything works with this code.

    <?php bbp_topic_author_link( array( 'sep' => '
    ', 'size' => '120' ) ); ?>

    But not with this one.

    <?php bbp_reply_author_avatar(array('size' => '80')); ?>

    I don’t want the author link i only want the Avatar and create my author link at some other position.



    If you only want the avatar then ‘type’ => avatar will only output the avatar with no name below it. ‘type’ => name, does the name.

    I honestly don’t understand why it is not working for you. I use the exact function throughout, and have changed the size in all templates. Maybe when JJ gets back next week he will have an idea?

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