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Can’t logout from WordPress

  • Léo



    When bbPress is activate on my website, I can login without problem but then I can’t logout anymore (I have to delete cookies).
    I’ve tested on a fresh WordPress install without plugins (except bbPress of course).

    WordPress : 4.3
    bbPress : 2.5.8

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  • Robkk


    Try some troubleshooting if you haven’t already.


    Try a default theme activated with only bbPress activated to see if the problem persists.

    Also ask a couple of these questions.

    Do you have a multisite installation?

    Is WordPress installed in a sub-folder?

    What is the url you get when you try to logout?

    What areas did you try to logout from? The WordPress Toolbar, bbPress login widget, something else?

    Did this issue occur when you immediately activated bbPress? Or did the issue occur after a certain upgrade?

    Did you have any cache plugins activated? Have you tried flushing the cache? If it is deactivated reactivate the plugin and flush the cache.

    Anything that can cache activated on your site, server cache, cloudflare, object cache, opcode caching?

    What hosting provider do you have?



    I noticed something interesting, there is no problem when I log out using the BuddyPress widget.

    Do you have a multisite installation?

    Is WordPress installed in a sub-folder?

    What is the url you get when you try to logout?
    With the WordPress toolbar:
    With the BuddyPress widget:

    What areas did you try to logout from? The WordPress Toolbar, bbPress login widget, something else?
    WordPress toolbar.

    Did this issue occur when you immediately activated bbPress? Or did the issue occur after a certain upgrade?
    Only when bbPress is activated.

    Did you have any cache plugins activated? Have you tried flushing the cache? If it is deactivated reactivate the plugin and flush the cache.
    I don’t have any cache plugin.

    Anything that can cache activated on your site, server cache, cloudflare, object cache, opcode caching?
    I don’t have that.

    What hosting provider do you have?
    Revolta Hosting



    Weird that the BuddyPress widget works fine. You might want to deactivate everything but bbPress to see if the issue persists and to test everything fresh. You might want to test the bbPress login widget also.

    Does this PHP code snippet help anything when trying to logout with only bbPress activated?

    add_filter( 'logout_url', 'my_logout_page', 10, 2 );
    function my_logout_page( $logout_url, $redirect ) {
        	$logout_url = str_replace('%3Floggedout%3Dtrue', '', $logout_url);
    	return $logout_url;
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