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Can I use bbPress and BuddyPress together?

  • @kailasweb


    I installed WordPress and BuddyPress, but found out that a moderator has no control over approving comments in forums. Our site requires that.

    Then I found a plugin that allows me to moderate a forum in bbPress, which gives me hope that I could utilize bbPress for the forums, the plugin for the moderation/approval, and BuddyPress for the membership aspect.

    Is this a realistic scenario? Or should I be using WordPress alone to give me the membership aspect and use bbPress with the plugin to create the forums?

    I really like the way BuddyPress models the social aspect, but the main thing for me is the moderated and approved traditional “forum” aspect.

    If anyone can give me some timely advice, it would be much appreciated.


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  • @andrejcarter


    You can but integration isn’t great yet. The next versions of each should greatly improve that.



    Also I am interested in this question. Thus, would be better to wait for next release of bbPress?

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