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Can bbpress create an alternative plugin for bbpress Topics for Posts

  • @makingcircuits


    The existing plugin “bbpress topics for posts” by Mr. David Dean is too old and seems like it is now no longer being updated and almost abandoned by the owner, therefore I would request bbpress or somebody here to take over this plugin or create an alternative for this plugin.
    It is because this is the only plugin which allows merging existing wordpress comments with bbpress forum.
    I have successfully tried the procedures and could merge my earlier regular wordpress comments inside bbpress under every post.
    So this plugin is very important considering that it converts your ordinary wordpress comments into SEO rich bbpress forum replies.
    Please help! I would really appreciate if somebody could come with a similar version of this plugin

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  • @robin-w


    Does the existing plugin still work?

    Old plugins can be very stable and not need much updating.

    If it works, I might contact the author.

    But I need someone to confirm it works first (big difference between updating a working plugin and getting a non-working one going again !)




    I have checked this plugin and it still works nicely at the moment.
    I have followed the suggestions provided by “makingcircuits” in one of the other threads, and could convert all my existing wordpress comments to bbpress forum discussion with a few clicks.
    I think this is a unique feature which only bbpress is able to provide with the help of this plugin, therefore we really want this plugin to be maintained and updated from time to time so the users can feel comfortable about implementing for the said purpose.
    I have tons of comments in wordpress which are not getting indexed by Google, therefore turning them into forum can instantly provide a huge SEO boost for these comments and could hugely improve the search engine presence of my site.
    However I could go ahead with this only when I feel assured that the mentioned plugin would be maintained regularly by the author or if there could be an alternative to this plugin.

    The plugin looks very useful and enables only bbpress with this very crucial feature of turning wordpress comments into bbpress forum, with just a few clicks.

    I hope somebody will take an initiative in this regard



    let me see if I can contact the author



    Thank you very much, we’ll be grateful….



    Will follow this one too, it is somewhere related to my



    Looks interesting, but this one’s too is not updated since 2 years…folks normally won’t install a plugin which are not timely updated and the untested version…



    @swagataminnovations as there are no changes to bbPress 2.5 , there was no need to update anything to that plugin, but you are right that it seemed very old.

    Updated now 🙂



    @Pascal…That’s great, thank you!

    Let me check out this plugin, I’ll revert soon with the results and let everyone know whether it fulfills the required purpose of converting existing wordpress comment into bbpress comments.

    By the way thanks very much for updating the plugin.

    see you all soon



    sorry..this plugin not correctly coded, I got the following error message as soon as I installed..and I had to immediately deactivate it…

    “The plugin generated 115 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin…”



    Really? I’ll check!
    If you could eventually post it on the support forum of the plugin because this is not really bbPress related.

    UPDATE: You have bbPress running? I was probably able to simulate the error.




    Do you mean we must first have bbpress installed?…no I did not install bbpress, I directly installed your plugin first?

    OK I’ll install bbpress first and then your plugin…let’s see.



    Yes after installing bbpress your plugin works, but it is not quite doing what we want.

    It has options to migrate all wordpress comments to bbpress but it does not open this migration under the individual posts.

    we want the forum to replace the wordpress comment section, meaning the existing comments should be be replaced with bbpress forum under all the relevant post, so that next time the user wants to comment he has to comment using the bbpress box under the posts.

    I hope you can arrange this facility in your plugin…then it will be just great!!
    thank you very much.



    @makingcircuits, sorry for the confusion. I know that you want to keep posts and then have the comments reflected into a forum. I just wanted to point out that the logic in my plugin could serve as a guideline.

    has reached out to the original author.
    If no response, we will see what we can do.



    @pascal, thank you very much for your consideration.

    However, I think you should make an effort to upgrade your plugin with the mentioned feature so that the migrated comments to bbpress can be shown under the individual posts by the users.

    I cannot see any reason why we should wait for the permission of the other plugin author?

    Because you are not copying anybody’s codes, you are only creating a similar functionality in your plugin



    The “bbpress topics for posts” plugin does still work, I use it extensively on my site and have done for over 3 years.


    I’m currently running WP 4.9.2 and whatever the latest version of BBPress is in Prod and in test I’ve just installed WP 4.9.3 and it’s looking ok under that as well.

    One thing that does need doing for the plugin is to bring it up to PHP7.x compatibility.



    For good UX you also need the plugin ‘bbPress Forum Redirect’ so that when a user accesses the forum topic directly the topic is redirected to the page with the forum topic displays underneath so that the user gets the page content and the forum posts, not just the forum posts.

    That plugin suffers the same where it hasn’t been updated in a year and 3 major WP versions and needs PHP 7.x compatibility updates.



    I don’t understand quite what ‘bbPress Forum Redirect’ does – the plugin page seems to say it just takes you to an external site?

    1. What are you putting into the url on the metabox,
    2. I don’t understand what the user is doing can you give an example of what they are clicking/typing to start
    3. Can you then say what happens without and what happens with that is different ?



    BBpress Forum Redirect ties the page of content and the forum topic used for ‘Topics for posts’ together better.

    This page ‘uses ‘topics for posts’ to have a BBpress forum topic instead of WordPress comments underneath the page content.

    The BBPress topic for the above page also appears on it’s own in the BBpress forums, in my case at

    ‘BBpress Forum Redirect’ provides a URL field in the forum topic admins screen to redirect the forum url to. In my case I redirect the forum url to the page url so that when the forum topic is accessed directly via the BBpress forum, the user is redirected to the content page with the forum topic underneath. You can see this in action where redirects to

    Without ‘BBpress Forum Redirect’ if the user accessed the forum topic the user would be able to read the forum topic but would have no visibility of the page the topic was in regard to.



    @Robin W,

    Hi, as previously discussed the plugin “bbpress topics for posts” (which has been possibly abandoned by the author) enables a user to migrate/import all existing WordPress posts into bbpress forum and also allow them to show under individual posts, so I was wondering is there a possibility that bbpress could simply introduce all those specific options and features which the above plugin inserts in the bbpress settings by default??

    If this can be introduced in the bbpress settings by default would mean we wouldn’t have to depend on any external plugin, and be extremely handy for all those users who get large amounts on WordPress comments and are interested to convert them into forum replies.



    Pascal (@casiepa) has been in touch with the bbpress topics for posts author, and Pascal is taking it over, so expect an updated version soon.



    That would be great! thanks so much, we’ll wait for the update!



    Any updates? I am waiting eagerly…



    GDPR has taken over most of my time, so it will take a little longer.



    @Pascal, Well I can see the plugin is finally updated by you and Mr. David Dean. Thank you, appreciate it very much!




    Yeah, I did a quick review and it seems to still work as intended.


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