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Breadcrumb Problem

  • @gmichel


    I have the latest WP installed with OptimizePress 2, Buddy Press and BBpress (latest versions) installed. I am building the forums in the private section of a membership site.

    I am having issues with the Breadcrumb links.

    I used method 2, a page for the forums index with short code. The forums display properly.

    Then when I click on each forum it goes to the correct page, I have set-up “Content Aware Sidebars” to show widgets in the sidebar and the forums in the content area. It works.

    Now when I am on one of these forums the breadcrumb shows:
    IM Study Club’s Public Home › Forums › Site Feedback

    The link “Forums”, is the Forum root and it goes here:

    That’s a Blog Archives page with a link “continue reading” going nowhere.

    How can I have this “Forums” link in the breadcrumb go to my custom page “forums-welcome” instead.

    I have tried to change the name of the root forum to match the page, but it doesn’t works, always get the blog archives page… I also tried to redirect, but got a loop.

    Any idea?

    Thank you very much for your help.


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