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Bozos, voices, views… (i18n questions)

  • @dimadin


    Here are some questions related to translation of bbPress.

    Is there any other word for “bozo” that is more common, because I don’t know how to translate this? In 0.9 branch I left this untranslated, but now I want to do complete translation.

    What are “voices”? This is introduced in 1.0 branch.

    What is “View” in this strings: %1$s » View: %2$s and <abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> feed for this view?

    There is sting “Halting installation!” used in error log on install/upgrade. Does install/upgrade stop at that moment or what happens (I’m not sure how to translate it)?

    In file bb-includes/, there are strings REQUEST_URI and PATH_INFO. Should we translate this or leave it (because it is mistakenly wrapped in __() function?

    Thanks in advance

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  • @nightgunner5


    Bozo is used to describe spammers.

    Voices is the number of individual members of the forum that have posted on a thread.

    A view is a list of topics that fit into a category, like topics with no replies and topics with no tags.

    “Halting installation!” is used when an error is encountered and is (as far as I know) the last thing that shows up in the log.

    The REQUEST_URI and PATH_INFO don’t look like they should be translated, but they are used in a debug message.

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