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Bozo problem

  • @peiqinglong


    Greetings! So I recently upgraded to the latest version of BBPress and for whatever reason, Me (KeyMaster) and all my mods are marked as bozos. I was doing some reading and there is supposed to be a checkbox in the admin panel to check wether or not a user is a bozo right? In my admin panel, there is no checkbox, just an area to enter a number and me and my mods are listed as 1. Trying to change it to 0 doesn’t have any effect. Is there a fix for this? Thanks!

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  • @trent


    If you are a BOZO, you will be listed in the bozo section of users in the admin. That is where you go to check it. There is a checkbox once you edit the users profile to check them as a bozo on or off.

    As well, if you get stuck, you can do a search in your database. Bozo users will show up in the bb_metauser table.





    That’s the problem, there is no box to uncheck them anywhere in their individual profile, where they are listed as Bozos, etc.



    I also did a search in my database for bb_metauser and none could be found.



    Sorry, wrong location. Search database bb_usermeta table for is_bozo and you will find your bozo information in there. If you are integrated with WordPress, it will be the wp_usermeta table (as in my case). Here is an example of one of the entries in the database for a bozo:

    umeta_id user_id meta_key meta_value

    696 106 is_bozo b:1;




    Ok, I found that now. Interestingly, where in the meta_value you have b:1;, I have just the number 1. I changed it to b:1; and nothing happens. I’m still marked as a bozo. Is there a way to disable the bozo completely?



    The 1 makes you a bozo. I would just delete that entry in there completely so that you are no longer a bozo. There isn’t a way to disable it without changing core files unfortunetely.




    There’s nothing in the admin for this (sad, I know).

    You need to edit that user’s profile.



    I’ve deleted the is_bozo entries directly from the database and now we’re no longer marked as bozos in the admin panel, but can’t get the posts that were by us marked as bozos to appear.



    I’m having this same issue. I deleted the table in phpmyadmin, and decided to test it and re-edit my profile. when I edited my profile I was again set as a bozo. anything I can do to stop this?



    I don’t think you should delete the bb_usermeta table because it is a really important table! It houses the privelages of each and every user! If you later integrated with WP, it might have your BOZO information in the wp_usermeta table.




    I didn’t delete the bb_usermeta table. I deleted the subtable with only the bozo information, as simply editing the bozo assignment did not “un-bozo” me. I am the keymaster of the website, yet if I update my profile I get put into the bozo category and I can’t even undo it in the user interface.

    What I’m wondering is, is there a fix for this? Or everytime I and my users update our profilers will I have to go back and unbozo them so there posts aren’t marked as spam.



    Do you have akismet set in config.php? Maybe try setting it to false and see if that helps. Akismet may be catching you for 1 reason or another. Try that and report back. If you are being set as a BOZO with Akismet off, it must be a weird bug that we need to sort out! Let me know!




    Why is there no box in admin to make someone a bozo or not? I have heard this a couple times now. Why does that happen?



    It is on the wishlist for sure, but there is no good reason I guess. Future versions (1.0 I would imagine) will have it so that we whitelist users from Akismet check. This will make life much easier! As for the BOZO admin, this is on my wishlist for sure!




    Trent, maybe I misunderstand. There is a box on the edit tab of my user’s profiles that says “this user is a bozo” and it’s normally unchecked (there was an issue with .73 and the admin being checked bozo, but that doesn’t appear to be an issue any more.)

    See this admin user screenshot and normal user screenshot, both of the edit tab in the profiles. Is that what is missing from the OP’s install? I wasn’t asking for anything that doesn’t exist. It sounded to me like this box that I see does not show up sometimes. That’s the confusion for me.

    edit: also, I saw on the source somewhere that users of a certain level could be whitelisted to skip the akismet check, but maybe that’s not implemented yet.

    In akismet.php, around line 119:

    function bb_ksd_check_post( $post_text ) {
    global $bb_current_user, $bb_ksd_pre_post_status;
    if ( in_array($bb_current_user->roles[0], bb_trusted_roles()) ) // Don't filter content from users with a trusted role
    return $post_text;

    That I asked about before, for sure:



    Unless I am missing something, I think radkitten’s issue is that they are a bozo when they head back into their profile and they see a checkmark in the box. They can correct me if I am wrong. It most likely has Akismet as the problem because the user is passed through Akismet filter when you view your profile and it may keep flagging them. That is why I wanted them to set Akismet to false in the config.php to make sure that it doesn’t get passed through and test it out.




    I was only going off this reply by peiqinglong (different user?):


    That’s the problem, there is no box to uncheck them anywhere in their individual profile, where they are listed as Bozos, etc.

    “No box to uncheck” was the part I caught. I’ve seen it mentioned before too and wondered if that was part of the real problem. (edit: maybe since this is a few weeks old this is the one I was remembering)

    This was a different, but possibly related problem (where unchecking the box never “stuck” – you’d always be a bozo – that was in 0.73 though I think):

    Also, I didn’t follow this from mdawaffe:

    There’s nothing in the admin for this (sad, I know).

    You need to edit that user’s profile.

    But, as key master you CAN edit the user’s profile, from admin. So I didn’t follow this part either.

    I thought the crux of the problem was that there were no boxes visible in the admin, where I have boxes, as expected. That is all :)

    edit: PLEASE change the style.css to include some styling for [blockquote] – my quotes were quoted up there but you can’t tell. Indent, different font, different BG color, something.



    Alright. My exact problem is that once my users sign up, they are marked as Bozo’s. I can’t even uncheck them as bozo’s as there is no option to do so in my bbpress. So to get around this I did as noted above and logged into phpmyadmin and simply dropped the bozo table from each users name.

    Now, the problem lies in that if they update there profile, they are again turned into a bozo.

    Another issue is that they don’t even show up under the bozo panel in the admin interface. But every single thing they post is marked by akismet as spam and I have to approve it again.



    Also, it is only happening with Akismet on. I removed my Akismet key and it’s now working fine, but I’m afraid that this is going to leave me open to spammers :-/



    Have you updated to the 0.8.1 version of bbPress yet? If you upgrade, you will see the checkbox to unedit the BOZO portion as chrishajer has suggested above with screenshots. Just make sure you overwrite all the files so that you are using the most recent version of each file and then test it again with and without the Akismet turned on.




    Trent, I am still using .80 (still, after 24 hrs of .81 being out!) but the checkbox was there in admin for me with .73 also. It’s been there for a while which is why I thought it was odd that is was missing from radkitten’s install.

    It seems that we haven’t gotten to the root of the problem yet…



    For sure chrishajer. Mdawaffe is posting something up in the next day or 2 that will allow users to by-pass akismet with known users so that we can get this resolved and have Akismet back working without sending each user to BOZO status!




    Yeah, I am currently running 0.8.1 and I don’t have a checkbox on user profiles to un-bozo them :-/

    I just installed this like 2 days ago.



    Here’s a screenshot actually of my choices as an admin in my copy:



    radkitten, that’s interesting. It’s supposed to be a checkbox as seen in this screenshot:

    Can you post the relevant source of the rendered page to see if the input is type=”checkbox” like this?

    <td><input name=\"is_bozo\" id=\"is_bozo\" value=\"1\" type=\"checkbox\">

    edit: those slashes do not appear in the HTML, just here after I pasted the HTML. I thought I saw a trac ticket for that already :

    edit2: they had one slash added the first time, then I edited above and a 2nd slash appeared, now I am editing now and I suspect there will be a 3rd slash when I check again.

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