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Bold letters in Heading

  • Is it possible to make the letters in a topic heading bold? I tried using the tag<b> but it does not work. I am using Kakumei.


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  • chrishajer


    So, the topic title, like “Bold letters in Heading” here? Only on the topic page?

    You need to find this in style.css:

    .topictitle {
    font-size: 26px;
    font-weight: normal;
    display: inline;

    and change the font-weight to bold, like this:

    .topictitle {
    font-size: 26px;
    font-weight: bold;
    display: inline;

    It’s all controllable with CSS. Most of the things you’ve wanted to change in the past couple weeks are just CSS modifications.

    Thanks. I tried the “strong” tags and they seemed to work too.

    Thank you.

    Sorry. Not the topic title. I meant the title below the topic title, in the post itself.

    Thank you.

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