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Blocking edit user profile link for non admin/keymaster

  • khunmax


    I have my site configured with a login/out link in the primary menu (BAW login/logout menu) with the admin bar hidden using (hide admin bar from non admins). BBpress participants can click on there user name to visit their profile. The problem is that every level of user, including participants, can see and access the edit link in all other profiles including the Admin/keymaster.

    How can I remove a participants access to the edit page of other users profiles?

    Thanks very much for any assistance you can offer.

    Kind Regards


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  • Robin W


    what wordpress level are users?



    Subscriber, Participant

    I am Administrator, Keymaster

    If I log on as one of the Subcriber, Participants I can access the edit link in all other profiles, including that of (me) the Admin/keymaster.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance Robin

    Kind Regards


    Robin W


    ok, suspect it is a It could be a theme or plugin issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentyfifteen, and see if this fixes.



    I have just completed a full vanilla install on bbpress, including db optimize and runnning delete bbp roles plugin.

    I created a new forum and new users.

    I switched out my GP theme for wp theme.

    Still getting the same issue.

    If a participant is logged in and clicks on the link to another users profile there is an edit link there.

    Robin W


    ok, so this is with just a wp theme, and no plugins apart from bbpress?



    Yes. And two users. Admin/keymaster and participant.

    If I log on as the participant and click on the Keymaster’s avatar link I am taken to the profile page and an edit link is there.

    Robin W


    ok, can you create a new participant, and set to subscriber and participant and see if it happens with that one.

    Also can you say what is set in

    settings>forums>auto role



    Auto role is set to participant.

    Created a new user in Admin. Logged on.

    Same result, if I click on the Admin/keymaster avatar the profile page includes a edit link.

    Brandon Allen


    @khunmax I think this might be the edit post/page link. Not an actual link to edit a user’s profile. If this is the case, then it shouldn’t work for any non-admin user, and even then, it won’t take you to a page to edit the profile.

    If what I just said is true, this is a theme “issue.” I use quotes because it’s not really an issue with the theme, just a result of how themes are built, and how theme compatibility works in bbPress. It’s probably something we can improve on, but it’s easily fixed with a filter or by editing your theme. Let me know what kind of link, and if it actually works for non-admin users, and we’ll go from there.



    I have just completed a full vanilla install on bbpress, including db optimize and runnning delete bbp roles plugin.

    Using the delete bbp roles plugin on a fresh installation is probably what caused the issue.



    @Robkk: the delete bbp roles plugin run was completed PRIOR to installing BBpress.

    Allen: No, it actual link to edit a users profile.

    I log in as a participant, then I click on the Keymasters avatar that appears in a Topic, then I am taken to the full profile page for the keymaster. Under the avatar are the links: Profile, Topics Started, Replies Created, Favorites, Subscriptions, and EDIT. Click on the edit link and you get access to all of the keymaster info boxes including: Name, Contact Info, About the user, Account (including email and password reset fields), User Role dropdowns, and the Update User button.

    Any assistance you can offer on this is greatly appreciated. I am on a very tight deadline and haven’t slept in days trying to sort this, how can I go live with a forum site where any user can simply access (and change) the keymasters profile data by simply clicking on that person’s avatar in a topic.

    Let me know if you need any screenshots or other resources.

    Thank in advance for any assistance offered.

    Kind Regards


    Brandon Allen


    Are you running any caching plugins? I cannot reproduce this running bbPress 2.5.9 and the TwentyFifteen theme.



    I am running the Generatepress theme and hosting locally with Xampp

    Brandon Allen


    Can’t reproduce using the GeneratePress theme.

    So, I’ll ask again. Are you using any caching plugins? Are you running Memcached/Memcache or Varnish?

    Do you have any plugins in your mu-plugins folder?



    Well in the end this issue beat me. It remained with all plugins deactivated and nothing in a mu-plugins folder. And yet I could find nothing amiss within WP core files. Started again from scratch for testing purposes and in the end just keep working with my vanilla version.

    As I reported in my other thread it would seem that Robin’s Style Pack and the BBP Toolkit no longer play nicely together. That is unfortunate, given those plugins are perhaps the two most popular within the BBP stable.

    Although I could not pinpoint the cause of issue that prompted me to create this thread, I suspect that it was created by one of the following plugins:

    1. EDD
    2. Super Socializer
    3. TML

    I have active support threads open with EDD and Super Socializer requesting a fix for the bugs I identified.

    As for TML I would advise users to avoid it as it appears to mess with core files.

    Thanks for the valuable support offered to try and resolve my problem.

    Kind Regards


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