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Best answer

  • Hello,

    Is it possible, or is there a plugin for that, to mark a best answer to the question of a topic?

    Thanks in advance!

    Olga S.

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  • _ck_


    There is no such plugin but it’s a good idea.

    I assume you only want mods or admin to be able to mark a reply as “best”.

    What would a “best answer” post look like? Highlighted?

    a democratic voting by users would be cool, since it’s web 2.0 :-P

    I would like something similar to yahoo answers – the initiator of support question marks the post that best answers his original question, and the best answer is highlighted and moved to the top.

    Olga S.

    Great suggestion, I too would like something like this.

    Hubert Nguyen


    I’d love to see this, but it doesn’t look like it’s getting traction :[

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