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bbP/WP integration problem: can't access Admin control panel after WP login

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  • @chrishajer


    What versions of bbPress and WordPress did you integrate?



    WordPress 2.8.3 and bbPress 1.0.2



    I’ve just discovered: when I login to the bbPress forum and try to access wp-admin on the WordPress site, it prompts for my username and password AGAIN, although once I’ve done this I can access both control panels (bb and wp-admin).

    I can still post to the forum when logged in using either endpoint.



    I was going to start a new topic with almost the same problem.

    First off, I’m trying to integrate WordPress MU 2.8.3 and bbPress 1.0.2

    The problem I have is the second one behe101 stated before.

    When I access my site through WordPress everything works fine. When I access my site through bbPress, and then try to go to, it redirects me here:

    I’ve followed Sam’s screencast, step by step, and tried it over three times with fresh installs… but still happens the same. It happens something like described here:

    But I don’t know, I did copy/paste exactly what the bbPress Integration plugin output into the wp-config.php file.

    Also, when I go to the home page of the site I can see I’m logged in:

    WordPress µ

    This is a WordPress Mu powered site.

    You can:

    * Site Admin

    * Log out

    * Create a new blog

    * Edit this file at wp-content/themes/home/home.php with your favourite text editor and customize this screen.

    But it still won’t access the administration dashboard.



    I also face same Problem

    I use 2.8.2 mu bbPress 1.0.2

    it ask for passowrd when you switch to wp to bb and bb to wp but it allow wp users to login to bb

    and also i cann`t see admin control panel in BB other than theme chnage

    where it went wrong



    Are you using id=1 as admin? Or maybe you might missed something in the integration?

    I use the same versions and first time it didn’t work at all because I installed everything in the wrong order and I had an old wp install in the DB that created conflicts, but after a fresh wipe and reinstall everything finally got working neatly.




    I had the exact same problem and found a solution after investigations:

    Bbpress knows it is integrated to wordpress so it set both its own cookies and the WP cookies. But on the other side, WP does not know bbpress is integrated so it only set its own cookies and forget to set BBpress cookies as well.

    How to fix it will you ask…

    Well, install this plugin in WP:

    And voilà ! Just logout and re-login after the plugin installation to make it work.



    Thanks qayqay12! That worked! :)

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