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bbPress Standalone to Plugin Converter Beta 2

  • @gautamgupta


    Hello folks,

    I along with Ben L. aka Nightgunner5, have created a bbPress standalone to plugin converter which already does a good job converting your bbPress forums.

    To use it, upload the file bbs2p.php to your server. Now let us assume that / is the place where you have placed the script, /blog/ is the WordPress directory and /forum/ is the bbPress standalone directory. So, you would edit bbs2p.php, scroll down to line 36 and change

    define( 'BBS2P_WP_PATH', '' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */
    define( 'BBS2P_BB_PATH', '../forum/' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */


    define( 'BBS2P_WP_PATH', 'blog/' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */
    define( 'BBS2P_BB_PATH', 'forum/' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */

    Similarly, if you have script and WordPress blog in / and the forum in /forums/, then change those lines to:

    define( 'BBS2P_WP_PATH', '' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */
    define( 'BBS2P_BB_PATH', 'forums/' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */

    Then run the script and the converter would guide you. Some points to note:

    • Needless to mention, if it isn’t your test run, please have a backup. We cannot be held responsible for any data loss.
    • Run it on your localhost as the converter is heavy.
    • Supports the Subscribe to Topic plugin by _ck_ and bbPress 1.1 alpha+ subscriptions import too. Have that plugin activated if you want to migrate subscriptions from the plugin, else it will check for the alpha version.
    • Have the bbPress plugin activated, revert to default themes and disable any other plugins.
    • Currently, there are three situations:

      1. You have a new WordPress blog, to which you are migrating to and an established forum. Then, you would go to user migration section first and then proceed to forums, topics, posts migration section. In this process, all your WordPress users would be deleted (well, renamed to another table) and in place of those, bbPress users would be added. A keymaster will be WP admin, bb admin and moderator will be bbPress plugin moderators, rest all would be converted to the default WP role (which can be set in your WordPress settings).
      2. Your WordPress and bbPress user tables are integrated. You don’t need the user migration process and you can directly go to forums, topics, posts migration section. No worries.
      3. You have a established WordPress blog, with a good number of users and can’t afford to lose those. This is currently not supported as it is hard to merge two conflicting user sets.

    • After converting, do recounts, delete the script and delete the bbPress standalone section if not needed.


    Cheers! Hope that helps. :-)


    Ben L. & Gautam G.

    bbPress Geeks

    ps. Special thanks to John James J. for developing the bbPress plugin, without which, of course, this converter wouldn’t have been there. :P

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  • @rickdlewis


    can you give me the dummy version of what I need to change in the two places you mentioned?

    I thought I did it correctly and tried running the script. What I got was a page of errors and notices. Referencing a few plugins and some other WP files. Way to long to paste here and probably irrelevant to the converter itself.

    Where is the file need to be saved and run from?

    And then the other changes to it prior to running?

    If I get this working I will write a novel on taking a vbulletin site to wordpress with bbpress. It will be long and partially a nightmare story with happy ending!

    Thank you for your help.



    I’ve updated the script, the latest version can be found here which addresses the issues highlighted by jonkristian (replies not being displayed) and Rick (errors from plugins – turned debug option off by default, though it is recommended that you turn off all plugins) and some others too.

    Rick: You should put only the bbs2p.php file in the root directory (where you have wp-config.php. Then change those lines to:

    define( 'BBS2P_WP_PATH', '' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */
    define( 'BBS2P_BB_PATH', 'forums/' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */

    JJJ: I’m on that. :)



    I’ve updated the script, the latest version can be found here which addresses the issues highlighted by jonkristian (replies not being displayed) and Rick (errors from plugins – turned debug option off by default, though it is recommended that you turn off all plugins) and some others too.

    Rick: You should put only the bbs2p.php file in the root directory (where you have wp-config.php. Then change those lines to:

    define( 'BBS2P_WP_PATH', '' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */
    define( 'BBS2P_BB_PATH', 'forums/' ); /** With Trailing Slash, if required */

    JJJ: I’m on that. :)



    Thank you.



    Thank you.



    I have tested imported with latest bbPress plugin version, but after import, counts of replies and topics for all forums are incorrect. If a forum has 0 topics, count shows 0, but if a topic has more than 1 it always shows 1. I checked in postmeta table, and the wrong counts are written there.



    I have tested imported with latest bbPress plugin version, but after import, counts of replies and topics for all forums are incorrect. If a forum has 0 topics, count shows 0, but if a topic has more than 1 it always shows 1. I checked in postmeta table, and the wrong counts are written there.



    Have you used the tool in the administration to recount bbPress?



    Have you used the tool in the administration to recount bbPress?



    Ah, I didn’t see that one. Thanks.



    Ah, I didn’t see that one. Thanks.



    I ran the upgrade yesterday from the import menu after installing the plugin, and it worked great. I had some issues where topics lost the topic_author field, but I think that may have happened when converting from phpbb to bbpress, not from bbpress1 to bbpress2.



    I ran the upgrade yesterday from the import menu after installing the plugin, and it worked great. I had some issues where topics lost the topic_author field, but I think that may have happened when converting from phpbb to bbpress, not from bbpress1 to bbpress2.



    Closing this topic, as the importer is now bundled with bbPress 2.0



    Closing this topic, as the importer is now bundled with bbPress 2.0

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