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BBPRESS replace Topics and Posts Menu Title with with Icon

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  • @uksentinel


    Re-bump encase anybody can advise πŸ‘



    you would need to add this to your additional/custom css

    /*topic titles*/
    .bbpress .forum-titles {
    	overflow: hidden;
    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-voice-count::before,
    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count::before {
    	font: 400 16px/1 dashicons;
    	margin-right: 100px;
    	-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
    	-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    	.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-voice-count::before,
    	.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count::before {
    		font: 400 21px/1 dashicons;
    		margin-left: 20px;
    .bbp-topic-voice-count {
    	display: none;
    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-voice-count::before {
    	content: "\f307";
    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count::before {
    	content: "\f125";
    .bbpress li.bbp-header li.bbp-forum-info,
    .bbpress li.bbp-header li.bbp-topic-title {
    	text-align: left !important;

    and then amend loop-topics.php as foillows


    transfer this to your pc and edit

    <li class="bbp-topic-voice-count"><?php esc_html_e( 'Voices', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>
    			<li class="bbp-topic-reply-count"><?php bbp_show_lead_topic()
    				? esc_html_e( 'Replies', 'bbpress' )
    				: esc_html_e( 'Posts',   'bbpress' );


    <li class="bbp-topic-voice-count"></li>
    <li class="bbp-topic-reply-count"></li>

    and save

    create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    Then transfer the file you saved above and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with

    bbPress will now use this template instead of the original



    Thanks Robin

    I have already created a directory on my theme called β€˜bbpress’ so will add and then mod the loop-topics.php and add the custom css as advised.

    Your guidance most appreciated as always and hopefully this will be useful for others also πŸ‘

    P.S. Shame you cannot add this to your BBP Style Pack at some point in the future as I am sure lots of BBPRESS Forum owners/dev’s would like this option 😏



    Hi Robin

    An update to say the CSS worked perfectly and now I have Icons on my forum heading menu where there was the Voices and Replies wording.

    I am going to use the above CSS as a start and see if I can also achieve the same for Topics and Posts on the forum heading main front forum page.

    Cheeky link to my site so others can see progress also πŸ˜‰



    So I have worked out how to modify the BBPRESS main forum menu ‘Topics and Posts’ titles to now show Icons as per Topics Voice and Topics Replies (as above).

    I then modified the Loop-Forum.php file and edited as described above for the Loop-Topics.php but changed the …

    <li class=”bbp-topic-voice-count”>
    <li class=”bbp-topic-reply-count”>


    <li class=”bbp-forum-topic-count”>
    <li class=”bbp-forum-reply-count”>

    This does remove the menu bar ‘Topics and Posts’ titles but alas this seems to cause a clash (maybe) with BBP-Style-Pack as the main forum page becomes distorted.



    now added to version 5.9.2

    bbp style pack

    see forums index and topics index tabs.



    Thank you πŸ‘

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