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bbPress ‘recent Topics’ widget bypasses password?

  • oxonbees



    I run the website for my local beekeeping branch,

    We have a couple of forums that, as they are for members only, are on password-protected pages. Members can see what’s in the forums by using the ‘members area’ password but need to log in to post new topics or replies.

    I want to display the most recent posts in the sidebar using the bbPress Recent Topics widget. However when I implement the widget anyone can click on the link and go straight to the forum by-passing the password.

    Is there any way to stop the widget by-passing the password protection on the Forum page?

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  • Robin W


    you might want to look at

    Private groups

    here you can set up a group – say called ‘members’ and allocate forums and users to that group.

    This will automatically show forums/topics/replies to logged in members, but otherwise hide them.

    There are widgets in this plugin for recent topics and replies which will hide these



    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for this, I can see what it achieves.

    As we see the website has a role attracting people to beekeeping and make as much information as possible freely available I keep access to the website as simple as possible, hence just password-protected members pages and I only ‘make’ members sign in if they want to post a new topic / reply.

    Thus the Private Groups plugin probably overcomplicates things for our members.

    Any other thoughts on how I might use the widget to advertise new topics yet ensure the (members) password needs to be entered to get to forum page.


    Robin W


    thanks, but of you only protect at ‘page’ level, then all topics and replies are freely visible to users – they are only hidden by people not knowing a topic title.

    bbpress itself has forums visible to all (public forums), and/or visible only to logged in (private forums) it does not have a concept of page protection for someone not logged in.

    Hence the widgets do not have any protection.



    OK, many thanks for your help.

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