sorry no definition of ‘bbPress ready themes’ it simply means that the author has written ‘bbPress ready themes’ on his blurb.
Usually means that the theme has been tested with bbpress and recognises it in the theme page files.
Many themes work well with bbpress, some are too ‘clever’ and don’t play well.
when theme developers say their theme is “bbPress ready”
it usually means they followed this guide
Are there special features included in bbPress ready themes, if so what are the features called?
There could showing post count below the author avatar but you can easily do that by installing Robins plugin
I have seen some themes have applied styling to some unread posts plugin , but really nothing too crazy that you cant get with free plugins and doing it manually without causing a hard time developing.
Thank you both. I Have a clue now. And ideas for plugin exploration.
ideas for plugin exploration
there is a plugin section on this site, it basically pulls information from the plugin section on any plugin tagged “bbpress”
i’d say search the plugins section
search the forums on this site so you would find some developed plugins that are not yet on
check some in the list here
on there are a few snippets in plugin format , especially netweb’s gists
there are also paid plugins on sites like codecanyon
and there is always