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BBpress post edit causes multiple activity entries

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  • @robkk


    You can wait til the patch is added to core in a future release.

    or you can hotfix the issue with the patch here



    Thanks for the reply.

    How to apply the patch?



    you manually edit the plugin , or you use some software to apply the patch.

    but you shouldnt do that, i didnt read all of the trac ticket and it says it is still having issues.

    i guess wait for the patch to be fixed in a future release.



    I would like to give these patches a try.

    Do i need to edit a file? Which file? Where it is located?




    this should be a direct path to the activity.php file that you would need to edit


    follow all the comments in here

    and you should see dans fix for the patch to make it work.



    Thanks it is fixed.

    I used patch below for bbPress: Version 2.5.6

    // Get the activity stream item, bail if it doesn't exist
    $existing = bp_activity_get_specific( array( 'activity_ids' => $activity_id, 'show_hidden' => true, 'spam' => 'all', ) ); 
    if ( empty( $existing['total'] ) || ( 1 !== (int) $existing['total'] ) ) { 
    $existing = new BP_Activity_Activity( $activity_id ); 
    if ( empty( $existing->component ) )
    return null; 



    alright thats great



    Can someone please help to explain this fix? It’s all Greek to me.

    I’ve added the corresponding folders into my child theme and have uploaded the fix but it hasn’t changed anything in my activity page. I appreciate any support. Thank you.



    You must edit the file activity.php that is located at /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/activity.php

    find // Get the activity stream item, bail if it doesn't exist

    and apply the patch manually that i have given in post #



    is this patch still working for 2.5.8? coz i tried it and there were no changes.



    bbPress was at 2.5.8 when this patch was given, but maybe buddypress changed ?
    You could try on their forums…




    which is which? the people over at buddypress say this is a bbpress issue.



    Well, it is fixed in bbPress 2.6 that should come up pretty soon, so if you can hold a bit longer… If not, feel free to install the alpha version (for testing) that is pretty stable :

    Any input would be welcome !

    Thanks, Pascal.




    will just wait for the new release, thanks Pascal!



    As always apologize for my English, it is a translation from google translator. Searching google I got an answer of course to bbpress forums.

    The patch works, provided that the issue of the response is made by the author. If it is effected by a moderator or administrator keeps repeating in the line of activity

    I looked directly into buddypress forums, but as is almost always the subject had no answer, linking to the core or incompressible explanations and as always in this forum recommend hiring a developer and close the issue. It seems that they forgot the essence of wordpress: Community.

    In fact it seems that in the future buddypress will be absorbed by bbpress. It’s just my appreciation and sorry to say nonsense.

    WP 4.6
    bbPress 2.5.10
    Buddypress 2.6.2

    The patch works, as long as the issue is made by the author.




    We had this patched and it was working fine, but now the issue returned. Edits to replies are now creating multiple activity feed entries and multiple notification emails.

    We’re using:
    bbpress Version 2.5.11 (with the patch to activity.php applied)
    Buddypress Version 2.7.3

    This is what we have in activity.php:

    		// Get the activity stream item, bail if it doesn't exist
            $existing = new BP_Activity_Activity( $activity_id );
     		if ( empty( $existing->component ) )
    			return null;

    Would love some help with this.

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