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bbPress overwriting page styles

  • @gpdesign93


    WP Version: 4.7.3
    bb Version: 2.5.12
    Theme: Uncode 1.4.2 – compatibility confirmed
    bb Forum Root: “forums”

    I’ve had some difficulty setting up and styling my bbPress forums root page, similar to this user: how-to-actually-partner-root-with-a-wp-page/

    I have since figured out how to establish a custom WP page as a root for my forum. I had to match the slug declared in the forum settings, AND use the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode. I thought it was either/or. If I only matched the slug, I would just get an empty page. If I just used the shortcode, I would have inconsistencies in the bbPress breadcrumb.

    Now that I have declared a custom root, I’m getting my styles ignored or rejected or something. I have my page options set to hide the page title, WP breadcrumb, and some “inline” CSS to hide the menu. (My client needs a custom menu.) These options and styles work on all pages except for the forums root. They just get ignored.

    I tested with fresh pages built from scratch multiple times to see where the problem was. I can use the shortcode just fine, but then my custom page is no longer my root page. As soon as I set my custom page’s slug to match the slug in the forum settings, I lose my styles.

    How can I get a custom forum root that also has custom styles?

    What I want: (Visually at least)

    What I get:


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  • @jdivis


    Hello gpdesign93,

    The following style will hide the menu:

    body.bbpress #masthead{display:none;}

    body.bbpress .main-wrapper .row-container.row-breadcrumb.row-breadcrumb-light.text-right{display:none;}

    body.bbpress .post-title-wrapper{display:none;}

    body.bbpress .main-container .row-container .double-top-padding{padding-top:0;}




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