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bbPress overwriting a DB value

  • @ashfame


    As per my post here on my blog :

    To achieve integration between 0.9.05 & WordPress 2.7.1, I overwrite the bb_capabilities in wp_usermeta for my user by sql query as I don’t have phpmyadmin and I am using custom table prefixes.

    I just followed the instructions again on a setup and got something into different.

    My current password didn’t work. I manually updated it with a sql query from a known setup (I haven’t installed mail sending capabilities yet) and then I got access but now when I try to change the bb_capabilities of my admin user, it gets change, is reflected too but when I refresh the forum page, I still can’t see the link to dashboard. And now if I check the db again, the bbPress seems to have overwritten my entry to “a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}” from “a:1:{s:9:.keymaster.;b:1;}”.

    I am clueless at the point. I can try dropping tables and starting again would get my work done but I am curious that why it is happening.

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  • @ashfame


    Where are the settings of “User role map” stored? I think I may have selected it to make WP admins to be a bbP member and it may be a bug? :/

    Wait, is it that User role maps are just updated once when they are asked to do so? Hmm.. Makes sense! So where can be the problem?

    Sam, you there?




    Man I know this can be real geeky but what if I want to know? Any pointers?



    To achieve integration between 0.9.05 & WordPress 2.7.1, I overwrite the bb_capabilities in wp_usermeta for my user by sql query as I don’t have phpmyadmin and I am using custom table prefixes.

    I’m at a loss why you would have to do that anyway… I’ve never heard of anyone having to go in via SQL and making those changes except in the case of ‘reverse’ integration (where by you started with bbPress and are now adding on a WP site). In theory, if you’re starting with everything brand new, you just do WP first and then bb and it should work.

    Looking at your doc, you also mention changing the wp_ prefix to rocking_ which is totally fine, but later on you have this:

    Add these two lines in bb-config.php

    $bb->custom_user_table = 'wp_users';
    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = 'wp_usermeta';

    Those too should be rocking_users and rocking_metadata



    Actually I need to do that because admin fix access doesn’t work when custom table prefixes are used. So I directly update the plugin work via Mysql.

    And regarding the second quote, I have written over there that one needs to change the lines as per the table prefix being used.

    I am using rocking_users and rocking_metadata only.



    I tried integrating again and again got the same problem. Weird!



    I have already integrated bbPress with WordPress 2.7.1 by using the same instructions but not it seems that its not working. Why the hell bbPress is overwriting the value in the db? Should I file a bug?



    ashframe, even the admin plugin says it’s supposed to be for when you do reverse integration. Which is why I’m asking why you think you need it in the first place :) I totally get that you need to make the change manually due to your specific setup. I don’t get why the change is required in general for a bog standard WP + BB setup.

    bbPress shouldn’t be writing over the value in the DB. IIRC, it’s supposed to pull the WP values to create new BB values in the BB tables, once integration is setup in bbPress.

    Try it WITHOUT doing the muckity muck with the bb_capabilities, maybe?



    I am talking about the “Fix Admin Access” plugin and you probably are talking of something else.



    Integration is pretty well. I have just lost access to bbPress admin panel and can’t get it back.



    Pretty weird! Instead of copy-paste from the browser, I copy-paste it from another integrated setup and it worked!



    ash, I was talking about the exact same plugin you were. Read the very first post on the plugin page.

    This plugin is only meant as a simple way to fix roles for users doing reverse integration of bbPress with WordPress without having to resort to using phpMyAdmin but it may have other uses if a primary admin role gets corrupted or wiped out for some reason.

    So really, unless your admin role is being wiped out somehow, this shouldn’t be needed in the situation you describe.



    Ok. But in my case I was using custom table prefixes, so instead of editing the plugin I directly run a sql query :)

    Problem is solved now!

    Thanks for your help!



    We’re going in circles. And yes, I know it’s working know.

    My question is this: WHY were your xx_capabilities and xx_usermeta messed up in the first place? There’s no reason I can think of that the setup you described (install WP, configure. Install bb, configure. Integrate bb and WP) should have whacked those settings. :) You see why I’m confused?



    Yes! It was pretty weird problem. It didn’t work when I copy pasted the string from my blog post but when I did from console (value from another integrated copy), it did the job.

    They were not messed up. When I share tables, the default role of the admin of forums has a subscriber role in capabilities, thats why the admin access is lost. May be we are again going in circles now :/



    Inching forward.

    When I share tables, the default role of the admin of forums has a subscriber role in capabilities, thats why the admin access is lost.

    Right, but WHY does that happen to you when it doesn’t to everyone else (that I’ve heard of) who sets up bbPress/WordPress the way you described :) It’s weird and I wonder what happened. It’s not the different wp_/bb_ prefixes, I’ve tested that.



    Loss of admin access problem has happened to several people (almost all of them, if I am not wrong).

    Have you tried my method of integration? You will end up with what I did. Moreover, I am new to bbPress and learning it slowly. So, I might be doing something that I am not supposed to but I guess I am right. Who knows? Atleast I don’t. :P



    I’ve never lost admin access on any integration (6 and counting). Hence my confusion :)



    Now you know who has lost admin access ;)

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